Silvarae would listen to the others as they conversed disagreeing totally to the fact that it wasn’t a ludicrous idea that they might sacrifice them. The cost of her life alone would be absolutely astronomical and not to mention the combat ability that she possessed should be more than enough to find her way out of any possible sticky situation, no she was more than certain that they weren’t here for that. She would raise an eyebrow as Maeve mentioned bringing Jorgmundr to cut some kind of ribbon. [color=darkorchid]”absolutely not, that is a preposterous concept, there is no way in hell that I would unsheathe Jorgmundr for anything so mundane.”[/color] She would state adamantly her hand being temporarily removed from the dagger on her hip to the sword on her back. [Color=darkorchid]”I come prepared for anything, whether I am to be given an assignment right now and must leave to act on it promptly or if this is as they say a meet and greet.”[/color] she spoke truthfully in this fact though it did make her question the sanity of the woman who had implied that her sword should be used for the cutting of a ribbon. She would look at the woman who had named herself Dawn, “Pleasure.” She would say simply not really showing any kind of true emotional response, more seeming to appear as if she were showing a great respect by simply answering. “Zero I have earned.” She would add turning back to Maeve.