“It sounds like you have some interesting stories to tell, Maeve.” Taking the cup of coffee back off the table, Dawn took a sip of the now-lukewarm liquid before continuing. “And maybe the gods prefer their sacrifices toned. Like livestock.” She spoke with a certain pleasantness, like she was planning out lunch with the two instead of joining in on the rather morbid line of jokes. While Maeve seemed about as casual with the situation as one could get, “Zero” was far more openly tense. Stiff. As if she wasn’t entirely comfortable with letting her guard down so easily, even when there was no open threat anywhere in sight. Dawn finished the rest of her coffee in one gulp, then rested the mug back on the table. It was curious. The next rune soon came sauntering in, smacking a piece of gum and joining the little gang that had formed. Dawn’s brow lifted yet again, although she rearranged her expression back to normal within a near moment. “Dawn. I have the...Kenaz rune, I believe. Good to meet you.” Makorai was soon followed by a dark-haired, rather grim faced woman, who introduced herself simply as “Isa”. No name, only the rune. Dawn gave her a tip of the head in return, smiling amiably. “Good morning to you, too, Isa. You can call me Dawn and not “Kenaz”, though, if you'd like.” [@VitoftheVoid][@Magister][@Daemanis][@ScoundrelQueen]