One Kana Cerulean sat on the branch of a large tree just outside the gigantic mansion that the 'Blessed' were using as their base of operations. Humming idly to herself as she scanned the windows and saw nothing particularly interesting through her binoculars, she eventually landed on a window that gave her a view that was, quite frankly, only a little more interesting. Three people were in a room together, one of them leaning on a couch and the other sitting on it. There was another near one of the doors, but from Kana's currently position it was hard to see. One short and honestly awfully normal looking, the other was taller and seemed a little bit meaner. "Wow, cute grills down there. Probably uber tasty, too." Flicking her forked tongue out, the odd, special and delicious scent reached her senses once again as she zoned in on the trio. They smelled special, like quite a few people in that building did. Putting her binoculars back in the bag at her hip, Kana wiggled and flopped off of the tree, hitting the ground hard and bouncing a little before rolling over into some bushes. Stealth complete. Standing up, she kept herself in a crouch before remembering that she could just do something even better. Kana's form melted into the shrubbery only for a group of snakes of all shapes and sizes to slither out, one of the carrying the handle of her bag in its mouth and dragging it along behind it. The grounds were awfully empty at this time, and the snakes made short work of their trip over to the side of the mansion, just below the room. Three stories up, however, was a bit harder. They pulled together, twisting and forming into one being again as Kana idly picked her teeth- there was still some meat stuck between them, and first impressions were important! Looking up at the wall of the mansion, Kana shrugged to herself and began her climb. It wasn't too difficult considering her abilities and strength. Climbing the wall was a cinch, and eventually Kana found herself holding onto the window. She climbed up beside it, staring inside at the group with a curious look on her face. She idly reached into her bag, pulling out a pack of beef jerky and tossing a piece into her mouth as she watched the group inside the room interact. Part of her was considering pulling the window open and climbing inside, but that'd be sheer lunacy. Kana grinned and reached down, grabbing the window and pulling it open. Noticing a man now sitting in the room, Kana tumbled through the open window and onto the floor, laying there for a moment before standing up and brushing herself off. "Well, ain't ya'll just a lovely bunch'a coconuts?" Kana dropped onto the floor, crossing her legs as she sat against the wall below the window. Reaching into her packet of beef jerky, she idly tossed a piece into her mouth and chewed. "Oh, don't mind me. I'm a rune, too. The rune of, um, I forgot, honestly. Don't ask me to show you, it's in a naughty place." Watching as yet another person waltzed in, Kana gave the woman a small wave. For a moment, her mind raced. Introducing the others by names was great, but it also posed a problem. This woman knew who the runes were. This woman knew she wasn't a rune. This woman was a problem. Damnit why can't things just be super easy? She hoped that the woman hadn't scanned through the files too recently. Kana sat in place, back pressed against the window. If she needed to, she'd be able to escape. Although it'd be likely that anyone there who tried to attack her would succeed. It's not like she was there to murder them or anything, but they might not show her the same mercy. "So, so, how is everybody? Everyone seems pretty relaxed, honestly. How's the time here been? I myself got picked up last night, so I haven't had the luxury of staying in this lovely place just yet, y'know?" She was awfully placid despite possibly being in immense danger. Speaking up, she decided to address something important. "Oh, me climbing that wall is a part of my rune. Don't worry about it, I'm still getting used to things, y'know?" Kana-chan wanted the difficulty level to be lowered, please. [@EchoicChamber][@Magister][@Daemanis][@ScoundrelQueen][@VitoftheVoid]