[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/saGm5xq.png[/img] [color=pink][h3]Mamoru Aksha[/h3][/color][/center] Mamoru continued to cuddle Reina, but as Acion talked about Mamoru she smiled and gave Acion a peace sign. [color=pink]”Aw, thanks Accy! But there ain’t much to learn from me! It’s all about guts really. I’d show Reina a thing or two but we all know she’s got guts. Well, maybe if she could take a compliment and have more confidence in herself. In that case I got a lot of work to do!”[/color] Mamoru said cheerily. Seems like nothing gets this girl down. Reina started to speak up, seeming more accepting of everyone’s love and affections. This made Mamoru even more happy, though she knew that for someone like Reina she’d still need as much support as Mamoru could give her. Eventually Reina would have to be able to walk on her own two feet, confidently, but until them Mamoru would lend her hand as much as it took. There was only one slight issue. [color=pink]”Hey now, Aksha-san is my mom! Call me Mamoru-chan. And I’ll call you Reirei! Hmm… No, that’s not really good. But I’ll think of something!”[/color] As Mamoru continued to snuggle with Reina she overheard Lysander’s big speech. Mamoru refrained from saying something snappy towards him, she was too busy coddling Reina. She just smirked and whispered to Reina. [color=pink]”One day it’ll be you saying stuff like that. But you won’t sound as silly.”[/color] [@Riegal][@Conscripts][@Feyblue] [hr] As everyone from Class A1 were mingling and talking to each other, the class from A2 was returning to their class. They came back from their training too, many of them bandaged and wounded but still jolly. It was a large mass of students who filled into their class, many of whom were quite surprised to see the window broken. A bit of panic rose before the class president managed to calm them down and told them that she'd contact the teachers and figure out what happened. Meanwhile she made a few of the students clean the place up and quickly calmed down everyone down. [color=a187be]"Check your things and make sure nothing was stolen. We'll figure out what happened soon enough!"[/color] Shortly after Donny and Jett came back into their room, another [url=https://i.imgur.com/xa7n4Hw.jpg]person[/url] walked in and took a seat. He just took a seat and checked on his cellphone, looking around the class and listening in on what everyone was doing. Then he took out some headphones and listened to music while everyone just kept mingling. He wondered when lunch was.