Oren took a place near the side of the door, arms folded, making note of everyone that ventured inside and comparing it to her mental notes. She eyed the room. The place was filling up. [color=6ecff6][b]"Tiwaz. Berkano..."[/b][/color] Just then the door was thrown clear off its hinges, narrowly missing her in its journey. [color=6ecff6][b]"...Uruz."[/b][/color] TO most people it would probably be the person tearing the doors off who was the subject of scrutiny, but Oren's attention was elsewhere. There was someone in this room who was not on her list. The Isa room swept over to Kana with a few quick, decisive steps, and withdrew a notebook and pen from the pocket of her coat. [color=00aeef][b]"If you're not willing to reveal your rune, you won't mind drawing it to check it off on the record, will you?"[/b][/color] There was something rather avian about Oren's gaze. She always had a look about her a little reminiscent of a hunting owl, no moreso than when she was pretty certain she had caught someone in a lie. And she was pretty certain. Because the alternative was that she had managed to forget one of the runes. And she never forgot anything.