[@Samdragonx] ------------------ [h3]Nick's House[/h3] ------------------ [quote=Dolly]“Good morning! Here’s a hug to make up for earlier. Can you tell me what time it is? What are we having for breakfast? Are we going to explore the rest of the house today? Are…”[/quote] Nick was a little surprised when Dolly hugged him. "N-no, it's me who should be sorry." He replied. "I didn't knock or anything and just barged in. I was the one in the wrong, really." Nick told his housemate. "Anyway, it's morning and we're having... well, I'm not really sure what you'd like so I just prepared a fairly standard breakfast of bacon, eggs, butter and bread. I have some milk too if you like that." Nick showed Dolly the table of where the breakfast was neatly prepared. The aroma of the food was still strong indicating it was recently cooked. "And yes, we're going to be touring my house today. Aaand..." Nick stopped Dolly's barrage of questions. "We're going to take things one at a time, okay? For now, let us eat." And with that, both the human and the terranean had begun to break their fast. While he stopped Dolly from bombarding him with questions, he did not want total silence. "So uhh, would you mind telling me about your home? You know, since I'll be telling you all about my home after we're done."