[hider=Barbiru] [center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [center][h3][I]B A R B I R U[/I][/h3][/center] [indent] [B]| B I R T H N A M E: |[/B] [INDENT][INDENT]Barbiru[/INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |[/B] [INDENT][INDENT]Barbie(insulting), Biru[/INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| E P I T H E T H: |[/B] [INDENT][INDENT]Wimp[/INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| P O W E R L E V E L : |[/B] [INDENT][INDENT]4000[/INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| A G E: |[/B] [INDENT][INDENT]20[/INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| A P P E A R A N C E: |[/B] [INDENT][INDENT]Barbiru is a shorter than average height and toned saiyan, but not overall burly. He has dark hair arranged in a spiky fashion that shoots upwards like a broom. One of such locks sticks forward and hangs loosely. His eyes are dark, but his expression is uncharacteristically mellow and gentle. He usually wears an old style PTO armor without shoulderpads, as well as an utility belt just a bit below his tail's resting position. He also carries a small backpack with more materials as well as a pocket computer, which is linked to his heavily-modded green scouter for enhaced functionality and technical analysis. [/INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| P E R S O N A L I T Y: |[/B] [INDENT][INDENT]A complete deviant in the Saiyan society, Barbiru lacks the common aggressive behaviour of most saiyans, preferring to live and let live if left unattended. However, as a creature who likes to abide with rules, his kind hearted nature is often forced to perform gruesome deeds and fight for the Saiyans more than he would like to, in order to avoid being punished. Patient and ponderous, Barbiru quickly leapt to a niche almost no Saiyan would ever set foot in. Technology. After all, building and repairing in his eyes are more difficult and challenging than just destroying things. And he doesn't have to stain his hands to do so. However, there is another side to Barbiru. Since he's capable of attachment and loves peace, should the few things that are important to him be threatened, he will answer in kind. Possesing an unbreakable will and boundless courage, Barbiru might not have the battle instict of his peers, but he has truly heroic spirit. He will be swift. He will be merciful. And he will kill you with hardly a gloat or a word, or die trying. [/INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| T R A D E M A R K: |[/B] [INDENT][INDENT]All Rounder Elite: Barbiru's style in combat involves a rather trite mix of offense, defense, punches and throws, with Ki blasts. He doesn't have any kind of strong suite whatsoever, and feels dull and boring. However, it is still elite trained style, and it will hurt if one is not careful. Given how this style also has very little weak points besides the lack of true strengths, it could be argued that is a defensive and reactive style among Saiyans, if such a thing existed. Galick Gun: Rumours say he learnt this technique by being on the receiving end repeated times as punishment for his deeds. Nevertheless, while his version is not as powerful as the Royal Family ones, it is still a good finishing move, and demolition tool. Ki Transfer: Barbiru is capable of transferring his ki to replenish that of others. Carbo Barrier: Barbiru spread his arms wide and manifests an interwoven ki warrier that is unbelievable sturdy and can protect himself and allies from mass area attacks, and if he focuses enough, massive ki attacks. However, the consumption rate for the technique is proportional to the amount of damage the barrier receives, and as such, it will not hold for long when piercing or massive energy attacks are used. Barbiru thinks of this as his ultimate technique. [/INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| S K I L L S: |[/B] [INDENT][INDENT]Gentle Soul: Barbiru doesn't give off battle lust, even when inspected by people with mystic powers (although they would be able to sense regret and self-loathe instead). He also is very hard to enrage, mostly because he has to will himself to hurt people. His Great Ape form suffers as a result, lacking the usual overpowering aggression most Saiyans in Great Ape form have. Since he doesn't have that much blind rage, he didn't need much effort to be able to learn to retain his mind in his Great Ape form, and is even capable of manipulating (large) tools with it. Perceptive: Given that he has a broader emotional spectrum than the average saiyan, and the fact that the drums of battle don't sound as intense in his mind, Barbiru is often being able to tell and feel details that many would find missing, such as a hint of an emotion of an opponent, a hidden clue, detect which part is the one malfunctioning... even in the thick of battle, which can give him some perks such as seeing attacks better and finding chinks in an opponents' defense. Engineer: Barbiru's great passion. He is a very capable engineer, even if one were to compare him by other race's standards, and he can create, repair and maintain a wide range of technology devices employed by the PTO, as well as several other factions. He is also able to design new systems from scratch and even improve current technologies. Cooking: He likes to create, and he also has the other Saiyan passion of eating. It is no wonder he knows how to do this. [/INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| B I O G R A P H Y: |[/B] [INDENT][INDENT]Barbiru was born in the elite of the Saiyans, destined to be an iron-fisted captain over the more uncouth and undisciplined hordes of lower classes. However, something seemed to go very -wrong- in his head. The young saiyan not only failed to show any kind of unrelenting will to fight, but would often throw his fights up. To not hurt his opponents. This brought great shame to his peers and parents, and unable to deal with the child, they decided to send him in suicide missions so he could learn the proper Saiyan way or die trying. Of course, Barbiru not only failed in such a task, and leave the planet unmarred, he failed in the worst way possible. He somehow befriended the high-tech natives of the planet and thus gained enough knowledge to rig his own pod systems and go back to Planet Vegeta without finishing his mission. Barbiru's punishment, however had to wait because the PTO came along, guns blazing and putting their heels over King Vegeta's throne. Barbiru felt no less vexed than his comrades about the matter, after all, as bad as King Vegeta was, the new guys looked even worse. Surprisingly fought hard in that war, but eventually it was But... he didn't want to start fights. Not yet at the very least. Deep down, he knew that somehow, that Frieza madman had to be stopped. But it would be unwise to fight again in the same fashion they had lost. So he bid his time like many others. The PTO provided, nevertheless, a surprising boon. Scientists and technology. Barbiru wasted no time in chasing these flighty seemingly servitor races by running errands in secret, in exchange of their precious knowledge. And of course the benefit was mutual. The protection of a Saiyan was nothing to scoff at. Until King Vegeta caught wind of his deeds once again. He offered him a choice. To punish him for not being Saiyanlike enough, or join a certain ship's crew. Barbiru's choice was a no brainer.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| M I S C. N O T E S: |[/B] [INDENT][INDENT]The Barbie thing was totally intentional.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [/indent] [/hider]