[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjY2LmUyMTUwOC5SMDAsLjAA/chapbook.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Tag:[/b] [@Etherean Fire][@Zarkun][@Lugubrious][@Guardian Angel Haruki][@DarkRecon][@Rockin Strings][/center] [hr] [color=fff200][b]“Oh no! It’s Gnasty Gnorc and his goons!”[/b][/color] Sparx exclaimed. He then scowled up at Moneybags. [color=fff200][b]“You traitorous bear! You were working for Gnasty? How could you!”[/b][/color] Moneybags carelessly smiled and shrugged his shoulders. [color=a0410d][b]“Money is money! Tooda-loo!”[/b][/color] As soon as the bear turned to run, Steve Fox cocked back his right arm, his muscles swelling as a swirl of visible energy appeared before his knuckles. He launched his fist forward like a cannon, his fist burying into the fat gut of the bear. Moneybags gasped as he folded in half over Steve’s fist before the force of the punch sent him flying over the heads of several Gnorcs who even comically stopped to follow the bear’s direction of travel with the turn of their heads. [h3][i]CRASH![/i][/h3] Moneybags unfurled across one of the fighting stages, his limbs sprawled and mouth hanging open in an unconscious daze. Steve retracted his fist with a frown and blew on his knuckles as though blowing the smoke from the end of a pistol. [color=aba000][b]“I hate sleeze balls like’im. Gnasty Gnorc, eh? Nobody mucks up my arena,”[/b][/color] the blonde boxer growled before he leapt off the prize platform to tackle a gang of Gnorcs. [b]You look like you’d have more fun flying free.[/b] Sparx gazed at Steve and frowned in frustration. [color=fff200][b]“Get me out of here!”[/b][/color] [b]I got this, mate.[/b] As the gunman smashed the lock on the cage, Sparx immediately darted into the air and sighed in relief once he was able to stretch his yellow body out. He had no time to relax for as soon as he turned around, he noticed the blue creature darting amongst all the Gnorcs. [color=fff200][b]“It’s an egg stealer!”[/b][/color] he informed the group and seemed like he would make a handy expert on all the Spyro villains. [color=fff200][b]“I don’t know what it’s doing here. There are no dragon eggs here. But they tend to take anything valuable. They are pretty fast, so don’t take them lightly. They’ve outrun me and Spyro plenty of times!”[/b][/color] As James’s void wall grenade went off, several green bodies flew into the air on a scream before plopping upon the floor, smashing tables and chairs. The blue egg stealer stopped when the round pierced the floor right in front of it. It stared at James with its white, ghostly-eyes and then from the darkness of its face, a large toothy grin appeared. [color=0076a3][i]“Heheheheh!”[/i][/color] it laughed malevolently before it darted off in a blue blur, using several Gnorcs as cover from the gunman’s fire as it arched in a wide curve to the right in an attempt to reach the prize table. Gnasty Gnorc had an ugly frown on his already ugly face. He saw that his men were falling like flies against the gunmen. What sort of weapon was it? It looked like it was shooting peas. The void wall grenade had been a magic spell. Glancing around, he noticed that there were other characters disposing of his goons, a blonde warrior wielding an enormous sword, a block man with a wooden blade, a classy man with some serious fighting moves, the gunman, and a boxer who was pummeling one of his Gnorc’s faces like a speed bag. [b]Go, Sparx! Get out of here![/b] The dragonfly looked to Shantae with concern. The heroes seemed to be holding up well, but what if he needed to find them again? They had to help him save Spyro. Watching the egg stealer blur around the room made him nervous and so the dragonfly yelled to Shantae, [color=fff200][b]“I’ll buzz off for now. Meet me again at The Save Point Inn!”[/b][/color] The dragonfly quickly took off, darting his way out of the Arena. [color=yellow][i]Sparx has left the Arena.[/i][/color] Gnasty Gnorc noticed the half-genie involve herself and seeing that another person, a magician of some sort (Robin) also joined the fight made the giant Gnorc’s eyes turn red. [color=ed1c24][b]“DAMN IT! I’LL HANDLE THESE GOONS MYSELF!”[/b][/color] he bellowed. Gnasty Gnorc started huffing and puffing and his body started to swell. [color=ed1c24][b]“IT’S TIME TO GET NASTY!”[/b][/color] The Gnorc leader started to mutate. Black protrusions started to surface from beneath his skin. His lips vanished as jagged teeth appeared in their place and his tucks grew taller and thicker. The Gnorc’s [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/54/a4/af/54a4af36595f5ef776735c136ae655ce.jpg]grotesque transformation[/url] could only be the result of another enemy exposed to the M-virus. Crossing his muscular arms, the black protrusions flared and with a strong flex, they fired from his skin in all directions, moving like the speed of a gun. His surviving Gnorc minions caught in the attack and pierced by the protrusions would fall over with a scream before they would writhe and similarly mutate, rising again [url=http://pre11.deviantart.net/fe30/th/pre/i/2016/052/0/1/zombie_goblin_horde_by_texahol-d9so4cz.jpg]not as the weak and stupid creatures the group had dealt with a moment ago[/url]. Any hero caught in the path of the protrusions and who hadn’t taken the vaccine yet were at risk of being infected by the incurable virus ([i]hint[/i]). [hr] [center][h3]XP Initiated![/h3][/center] [b]GM Note:[/b] From here on out, all players will be required to keep track of their word count. XP will be awarded every GM post. Be sure to check the XP hider to see how much XP your character earned. Remember to keep your CSes updated. I have seen players slack in keeping their XP up-to-date and they have lost XP points because of it. I didn't take the XP away from them, they just didn't keep track of the XP on their own. It is YOUR responsibility if you want your character to level. [h3]P.O.[/h3] [i]If a player is inactive for more than 3 days without letting the GMs know of any delays, then the player can be skipped over on the 4th day. If a player does not wish to post, then they can Mention the GM and let the GM know he or she "Passes" on his or her turn.[/i] [b]P.O.:[/b] Steve, James, Slayer, Robin, Shantae, Naija, Fox, and Cloud.