[center][h2][color=92278f]Blake Eights[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/0TH97Hx.gif[/img][/center] A siren's song upon the wind graced Blake's ears and a wicked grin split her face. Her muse had arrived. And like the siren of myth, she was leading the innocents to crash upon the pragmatist of Boss. Likely hoping to cause the woman to have an outburst. Still her muse had been located and honestly, Blake knew [i]exactly[/i] whose room she would be in. Feeling the student body parting like the red sea, Blake slipped in behind the real Student President and followed in her wake. The Student President's rage almost scorched the air around her as Blake stuck her tongue out at Dana, trying to restrain her laughter. [color=92278f]"C'mon Prez! Surely you can see Dana was only trying to help! You were, by your own words, indisposed, and we couldn't have everyone just be waiting here all day. That would be rude! So Dana [i]had[/i] to improvise and in the heat of the moment... well the details slipped her mind~. All I can say is well done to my lovely muse~"[/color] giggling like... well... a school girl Blake flitted up to Dana, Blake attempted to hug the slightly shorter girl from behind, wanting to wrap her arms around her. [color=92278f]"A girl this cute couldn't have even imagined that her words would have such an effect! After all, not everyone here's a first year. Surely the seniors all know your face, Prez, and as cute as you are you and Dana can't really pass for each other. So that is a very good question. Why would everyone rise and swarm the poor faculty at her words?"[/color] biting her lip, Blake's gaze traveled up and down Dana, drinking in every last detail, as Blake filed away the image of Dana in the Student President's uniform in her mind for a masterpiece later. [color=92278f]"How on [i]earth[/i] did you manage to squeeze into that, Dana~?"[/color]