It didn't take long for the group to leave and head for the Hall. Even Birbin seemed to think they might find the [i]Green Man[/i] there, so Theodore dared be quite confident in their chances of indeed meeting the fellow sooner rather than later. But unfortunately for them, something else would also be encountered sooner rather than later, that being the shadows. They erupted from the ground, most remaining small like those they had seen but two showing resemblance to those they had fought yesterday... and then there was this thing. Theodore was shocked to see the axe wielding shadow, especially so since both the soldiers and the big one were more or less closing in on Thea from the front. She was a powerful warrior on the field, but even she couldn't take those three on without help! Theodore relieved his face of the mask and prepared his crossbow with a bolt as always before. He began taking aim at the biggest threat there was, now that he still had the option of shooting without interference and summoned the supernatural insight of the light. It did seem like the thing was just a shadow among others. It would not show if it got hurt, but it could be killed. The Monster Slayer took aim and fired their bolt at the towering opponent, trying to take advantage of his quick reflexes to the best of his ability, but to his dismay it appeared these enemies had been more than prepared. An ambush, not too far from what he had feared just last night and what some had ridiculed him of. He would not remind them of this though, but hoped they would remember this the next time he suggested the enemies might lay in wait. [hider=Mechanics&Rolls] Theodore stood his ground, set his Slayer's Eye on the [i]Night Fury[/i] and fired his crossbow. His attack roll was a whopping [url=]12[/url] ([url=]25[/url] with advantage granted by [i]Natural Explorer[/i] in the case of surprise round not counting, but I doubt it. The exact wording of the ability: "On your first turn during combat, you have advantage on attack rolls against creatures that have not yet acted."). On a hit, the attack deals [url=]13[/url] piercing damage. [b]HP:[/b] 28/28 [b]AC:[/b] 16 [b]Concentrating:[/b] Not [b]Radiant Consumption:[/b] Available [b]Slayer's Eye:[/b] Active on [i]Night Fury[/i] [b]Spells expended:[/b] 0/3 1st [/hider] [@The Harbinger of Ferocity] [@JBRam2002] - Your turn!