[center]Dominion of Meung[/center] The Meung Dominion had existed as a state for a thousand years. Grand Prince Yuzhen was the eighteenth member of the current Imperial Kian Dynasty, a Dynasty thad had seen the Meung state expand and collapse before expanding once more to reclaim its rightful glory. The Meung were the shore surrounded by a sea of barbarians. They were a crude peoples, unsophisticated, brutish, and quick to use force to achieve their aims. The shore was beginning to show signs of erosion... In the past, Yuzhen's forefathers had relied upon thick stone walls and the men behind them to ensure that the Dynasty survived. The Grand Prince and his Ministers were being forced to play the same game that his ancestors had mastered. Chancellor Yue Fei was an old player at such games in the Imperial Court and he used the same tricks he had honed on the Hironese to delay their aggressive neighbor from taking per-emptive action. The Hironese Delegation was welcomed by an honor guard at the Imperial Palace but there would be no formal audience with Prince Yuzhen, only a brief meeting with Deputy Foreign Minister Wei to explain that negotiations on a treaty could not begin until the House of Lords had returned from its summer recess. Fei was also quick to leak the arrival of the Hironese to western reporters based in Yujinn of Hironese aggressive demands that the Meung hand over Wenshou island or '' face war '' while Foreign Minister Wei had made visits to the Veletian and Tsardom of Radena's embassy in an attempt to drum up support for Meung resistance to Hironese claims. By contacting these foreign embassies, news of Hironese demands were sure to leak to the international stage, and the outrage would magnify if Hiron attacked. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Foreign Minister Xi was under no illusions to Hironese aggression or that of its neighbors but nor did he seek to give the Hironese more Meung territory in exchange for assurances that could easily be broken when the Hironese army was at full strength. The Meung needed something far more concrete, if they were to lose Wenshou to one hungry neighbor, then let it be for the highest price...and preferably to a nation that was in a major position to influence Hiron. It was that in mind that Xi had requested mediation from the Dominon's other massive neighbor, the Tsardom of Radena. While the Diplomatic Corp stalled in the Imperial Capital for as long as possible, Xi was securing a Radenan embassy to mediate proposed talks as soon as possible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [center][b]**********************EYES ONLY: CLASSIFIED***********************[/b][/center] [b]To:[/b] General Ziang Gao / Wenshou Island Garrison Commander [b]From:[/b] Minister of War Mai Fen [i]General, situation between Hiron and Meung growing increasingly tense. You are advised to place your forces on high alert in anticipation of Hironese landings. Additional supplies of food and ammunition have been sent. Preparations should be made to evacuate civilians from Cao and Mung to highlands in anticipation of Hironese bombardment. Ensure proper security protocols are put in place to burn all viable intelligence that could be captured by the enemy. All VIP's should be evacuated immediately. [/i] (Military details will be PM'd later today) [b][center]The Eastern Star[/center][/b] [center][i]'' The only Western newspaper to bring you the important news of the East! '' [/i][/center] [b]House of Lords recalled from Summer Recess: [/b] The House of Lords has been recalled from its summer recess for an emergency session. The House is expected to debate Hironese efforts to secure Wenshou Island. The Meung Dominion has officially disputed all Hironese claims to Wenshou Island and has stated when asked for comment that the ' legal standing of ownership is beyond question '. A meditation effort, led by a Radenan embassy is expected to take place soon. The House has already voted to authorize the Foreign Minister to open talks and lead the Meung delegation. [b]Meung Imperial Army Launches Punitive Expedition: [/b] The Meung - Xiang border awoke to fierce artillery fire on August 12th at dawn as elements of the First Army, Third Corp, crossed the Xiang border in force. It was rumored that as many as 30,000 Imperial troops are taking part in the expedition to clear the border of what the army described as '' bandits and insurgents ''. Major General Lihuan, placed in command of the expedition, said in a statement that the Lihuan Expedition was expected to last several weeks as the Meung Army destroyed '' weapons caches and bases that Xiang insurgents have long used to conduct cross border into Meung territory. '' It is reported by confidential sources that the timing of the expedition was in response to a demand by Xiang for tribute to maintain peace on the border. The lawlessness of Xiang and lack of central government has meant that a Meung response has been 'long time in coming' according to Foreign Minister Xi. (Military details will be PM'd later today) [b]Ministry of Interior Slashes Budget: [/b] The Ministry of the Interior has slashed its projected budget for railway improvement by 8 million to make up for a projected deficit. Ministry of the Interior Tian Fen has stated that 'further cuts may be anticapated in the governments efforts to balance the upcoming budget'. The Woosung Railway hub is expected begin construction on a hub in the capital of Yiijun and eventually link to Zhong and expand further towards the coast.