Name: General Thembelani Bhekabantu Ghakarhi Gabadeli Appearance: Lion color: Black Voltcom weapon: Rifle (still carries his Imbubian swords) Personality: Thembelani is a natural born leader, has been since he was a cub where he a group of cubs on a survivalist mission were dropped in the middle of a jungle, when they made it back everyone of them insisted if it wasn’t for Thembelani none of them would have made it out, Thembelani insisted it was a team effort. He remains calm and collected no matter the situation, when faced with his people’s extinction he didn’t bat an eyelash he sacrificed everything to give them a chance. Planet of origin: Imbube History: Imbube was a planet without war but a standing military large enough to wipe out a planet’s civilization within a month. When the Galra suddenly materialized without warning they wiped out all their military might in a matter of moments. Thembelani was off world when he first heard the distress call. His scout ship had little in offensive weaponry he couldn’t do anything but listen as his world was enslaved. His people worshipped the might of the Voltron Lions. Thembelani knew there was only one hope of ever getting revenge for his people and setting them free, was to bring Voltron back. The legends tell that the Imbubians came from another planet long ago and that the largest lion temple to ever exist was on it. He set out to find that temple.