[hider=The Martial] [b]Name:[/b] Gaspard Favreau [b]Role:[/b] Martial [b]D.O.B.[/b] 12th of February, 2000 [b]Height:[/b] 180 cm [b]Weight:[/b] 70 kg [b]Nationality:[/b] France [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=With...] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Rs4wXXu.png[/img] [/center] Note that he'll also have a small Fleur de Lis painted on the right arm's shoulder guard. [/hider] [hider=...and without gear.] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/96leg6l.png[/img][/center] I know, absolutely fabulous. [/hider] [b]Background:[/b] Gaspard was born in the French Riviera in the year 2000, to a wealthy politician's family. He was the third and final child of a family that held very religious and conservative views. As a child he'd often wake up to his father cursing at "those damn anarchist rascals" and how western civilization would eventually be brought down by them. In fact both of Gaspard's parents were always very stressed out, and he barely saw his father in the house during weekdays. Around the time he was 5, large men in suits begun patrolling the family estate — Security, since a family like theirs would be a very likely target for the radical protesters. Like his siblings, Gaspard didn't attend a public school and had a private teacher instead. He proved to be a very patient and hard-working student, and especially enjoyed subjects like history, computer science and mathematics. He loved the romanticized images of European history in literature and wondered why things were so different nowadays. His dream was to one day be like his father, but as we know, that would never happen with governments losing power at a rapid speed. After France had fallen to international corporations and laws were being stomped out like cigarettes, Gaspard's father became rather depressed and formed a drinking problem. Granted the anarchist movements had now been suppressed, but this new world would have no room for tradition, faith or national pride. The family emigrated to the United States in 2014 but France would never leave their hearts. Gaspard continued studying through his teenage years, also taking courses in martial arts. These days you could never know when you'd have to defend yourself. He also purchased a handgun and started spending time at the shooting range for the same reason. Aside from that, he'd join a right-wing activist group with the intention to defend the roles of culture and religion. Needless to say, their efforts were fruitless and many members just ended up arrested or killed by private armies as churches and landmarks were mowed down in the name of business. His father died in 2020, around the same time the war between Australia and Britain broke out. This left Gaspard with a large inheritance, and with nothing better to do, he hired a specialist to build him a specialized combat suit and some rad gadgets, pulled a ski mask over his head and started making a career as a sort of vigilante. With underfunded police departments being riddled with corruption and incompetence, Gaspard hoped to inspire the people themselves to stand up for justice, democracy and his idea of the good old way of things. Anonymously, of course. Fast forward a few years and he'll have traveled to Neo Bay in order to take part in the C.O.P.S program. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dig-_s5kdeQ]Hohoho Pierre, fetch the baguettes![/url] [/hider]