Not even a day in and students were always fighting. The boy with the Houndoom was showing quite the icy personality, and the kid with the Togetic seemed absolutely undaunted by his harsh personality. He picked his pack up from the ground and slung it over one shoulder, with his Grovyle following behind him, he entered the room and elected to take a seat near a window. The furthest front and to the right of the teacher. Aaron happily took in the sun on his desk while Terry watched the rest of the room, his teacher already had his name up on the board. Mr. Adams. And was digging underneath his desk for something as his Gardevoir watched the room, lightly swaying to some invisible wind perhaps. Other students came in and took their desks, the boy with the Houndoom clearly wanted to be alone, though the brown haired kid was completely fearless. On Terry's row was somebody with a Jolteon who seemed friendly at least. Not that Terry really wanted to talk to anybody today. From the front of the room, Hikari watched all the students, the first day something always happened, so her trainer had her keep an eye on everything while he got all his stuff sorted. There was already a scuffle, and a black haired trainer with a vicious looking Houndoom had decided to be the troublemaker of the day. Giving a brief speech on power and having his Pokemon cause physical harm to another. She telepathically alerted her trainer. Mr. Adams jumped up from underneath his desk, with a rather serious look that didn't seem to match his carefree personality. He already had a roster of his students, and knew full well who each and every one of them was. "Alexander Garren, if you cannot restrain both your Pokemon and your tongue to somebody who clearly intends you no harm. You may leave this classroom immediately." He pushed his glasses up and locked eyes with the offending trainer "Just because you think you deserve to be the best, doesn't mean you may go around acting as if you already are. Need I remind you the purpose of this academy? Those with knowledge, in this case, me, must pass it on to those without, and that includes you." His Gardevoir, Hikari, telepathically contacted Max on the floor "Are you alright? She inquired." [i]Seems he takes no crap.[/i] Terry thought. Grovyle wasn't looking for a fight today, they just wanted to get settled in, the competition for the top spot of the class could come later. But his thoughts were interrupted as the teacher began to speak again. "Now if we have no more disruptions, I know not everybody is here yet, but we had best get going. I'll put up everything on the board, and hopefully, some student nice enough in here, can share some quality notes with those who are late." He gave a slight chuckle, emphasizing the word [i]nice[/i] "First of all, this is class Four-A. Your schedules are on your papers. You report here first thing every morning, is that clear? Dorming is as follows..." And he began to write names up on the board. Terry saw his own name on the same row as Alex Garren, the Houndoom trainer, and mentally cursed his ill luck. Also in that dorm, were Christopher, Jamin, and Andie. Names he didn't recognize. The row below it, contained Maxwell, the fairy trainer, another student named Alex, and a Ritzy, Clayton, and Clyde. Mr. Adams finished up the dorm lists on the board, six dorms of five each, and looked to the door, in case anybody chose this moment to come in.