[quote=@Ace of Hearts] No, people are supporting others to have the right to believe in Nazi ideology without consequence from the government or the people. that's what sympathizers and collaborators do. also, haha, fighting nazis makes you the nazi? but I can't call people names because that's mean and hurts Frokanes little feewings. [/quote] Supporting free speech=nazis? I suppose we should crack down on the communists then, or else we're all totalitarian socialist scum. I let global warming deniers say as they please, doesn't mean I believe them or collaborate with them. Allowing people to say as they please doesn't mean I support their views at all. That's a broken premise. Do I support your views of denying nazis/far-right people the right to speak? No, but I'm not trying to actively block your free speech. Does that make me your supporter then? A collaborator? And it would be pretty ironic if I was a nazi, since I'm viet and the nazis helped the Japanese, who utterly destroyed my country during WW2 and basically starved us to death.