[quote=@Nytem4re] Supporting free speech=nazis? I suppose we should crack down on the communists then, or else we're all totalitarian socialist scum. I let global warming deniers say as they please, doesn't mean I believe them or collaborate with them. Allowing people to say as they please doesn't mean I support their views at all. That's a broken premise. Do I support your views of denying nazis/far-right people the right to speak? No, but I'm not trying to actively block your free speech.[b] Does that make me your supporter then? A collaborator? [/b] And it would be pretty ironic if I was a nazi, since I'm viet and the nazis helped the Japanese, who utterly destroyed my country during WW2 and basically starved us to death. [/quote] I'll take "being an enabler" for 600, Alex. also, allowing people to spread ignorance is pretty bad; global warming deniers do exactly that.