[quote=@Keyguyperson] Would you worship the god you do or do not had you been born in India? Would you believe that violence is inherently bad and that all views must be respected if you were a slave in the American South? No, you probably wouldn't. You hold the values you do because of what culture you were born into, what ideology is in power where that culture exists, and the other socioeconomic conditions you were born into. If I was born to some well-off family in the suburbs of California I'd probably be making the exact opposite argument that I am now. The American constitution is not the tablets brought down by Moses. [/quote] Didn't really reply much to this, but I'd also like to add that Moral Relativism can "excuse" the immoral behavior of other countries simply because of a cultural difference. Moral Relativism has some use, don't get me wrong. But claiming you can't compare and contrast is really a moot point. Nearly everyone in the world can say killing innocent people is wrong, it's a shared value, most people are repulsed by murder. Let's look at the events in Chechnya. There are literally concentration camps killing LGBT people there, and the police reportedly are telling their parents to kill their children if they are gay. Are we going to say, morality is relative, homosexuality is seen as taboo there, so don't judge them for killing gay people? I really hope the answer is no.