Yay for enjoyment! Aaaand, confusion time! lol Yes. The first half or so of the post is Curdle's time in Renna being held for the supposed murder of Fiira. The only reason he's still alive is because he's technically now her son's, and they can't reach the man to ask how they should handle this. He is conveniently halfway around the world, probably, doing some trading business... Yay for busy, negligent children! The dream state for Curdle is pretty much astral projection until he's in Miria's head. He's never done it before the start of the story because he's never had the magic strength or a strong enough desire to be away from where he is. So, yes, it is most definitely new to him and he was mostly experimenting and figuring things out for himself half accidentally and half on purpose. I think any parts where it might seem he almost *poofed* were merely horrible surprises for him, though he wasn't in too much danger. Merely falling asleep would bring him back to his body. And he has yet to realize that he can teleport that way, cuz, y'know, that's just not a thing that would ever occur to him. lol But yessirreebob, much bewilderment, mourning and all of the repetitive questions. heh He didn't get a chance to ask anyone stuff about the magic though, he's not supposed to be talking to people unless he's answering their questions, not the other way around. :P The end of the post with the house, after he tumbled into Miria again, is them both dreaming together since, yeah, he's more aware of what's happening. I don't think he really understands it yet, but he knows he's dreaming, he just doesn't realize that he's as in control of it as he is. The bits and pieces of Fiira's life should be somewhat static though and available for Miria to peek at as she wanders the house. Like every room has its own little vignette/play going on depending on what memory Curdle most associates with that room. So, the post ended, actually [i]after[/i] Fiira died, she is very dead on the bed right now, but the memories are still playing out their short stories everywhere else.