Silvarae watches the one whom had identified himself as Volkir as he spoke, He had correctly determined that she was on edge and that she had assigned him the highest possible threat level. His tone had done little to alleviate this, however his actions within the same token breath seemed to do more than his words possibly could have. He seemed to her at least to be somewhat airheaded if dead inside, a combination she could not fathom yet there he was switching from a serious topic to the decidedly less deadly desire for cake. The blank transition would once again almost make her smile, ‘that’s twice in one day.’ She thought to herself berating herself mentally, ‘the perfect soldier needs not laugh, smile, or do anything but do as she is told.’ She would recite her fathers words mentally. She had done this thousands of times throughout her life, now it was something she did in response to reactions to anything that was deemed undesirable to her father. When another woman arrived she seemed the homebody type, arriving with a tray of muffins, ‘Muffins?’ Silvarae thought somewhat confused, where they here to fight someone, or was this a giant waste of her expensive time or was there more going on here. This was almost a nonsensical vibe to all the people gathering in her opinion, the disparity that occurred between the different people that had the runes was at bet laughably pathetic, ‘from a soldier to a common housewife?’ she thought to herself. When the girl who had floundered through the window began to mock her weapons she would almost unsheathe them this time with the ideal of vengeance however something told her to stay her hand, or more correctly her nature prevented her from doing so. She would love to have said that she’s the perfect soldier, that she loved to kill but for her the opposite was true. Hearing the woman mocking the only presents she had ever received made her angry, made her want to yell or scream at the woman, the only thing she would do however is stare at her briefly her eyes narrowing. She would not even bother to respond though she would let her eyes linger that little bit longer. When the door erupted off its hinges and journeyed forth across the room on it’s destination to splinterville Silvarae would be completely startled dropping into a combat stance and both fangs of Fenrir being drawn immediately. The next words that followed did little to alleviate the tension she now felt, The woman was impossibly strong, Silvarae had thought herself strong, that is until this woman shattered the door without so much as a single bead of sweat appearing on her brow. ‘no, no, no.’ she thought to herself her eyes actually going wide in fear as she stumbled away from the woman whom had now identified herself as a rune. She would fight to regain her composure, the others in the room now all but forgotten as her eyes remained on the woman whom she now assigned the largest threat level of them all, When Isa showed a little disregard for the womans obscene strength she would regain her composure. If at the very least she tried anything there would now be enough people here to subdue her, or so she deemed. A couple of other people had joined since all of which passed well below the Rune Uruz for their threat assessment meaning that she was the target of scrutiny for Silvarae. She mostly ignored what they were talking about and the muffins held little interest to her having eaten before working out this morning already she wasn’t exactly hungry.