[h2]Assassin[/h2] Maria... had failed? No, that wasn't right. Maria had worked perfectly, unleashing its curse into an appropriate target and tearing apart their insides but... it was Saber instead. Saber that was too strong for the knives to tear apart in a single blow. Then she would just have to finish it manually; killing a heavily injured Servant inside the Mist before they worked out what they were really fighting would be easy for her-- It was a good thing that the Assassin hadn't remained in one place after launching the curse, as it made Archer's shots miss by larger margins than might have been expected; she had a chance to see them coming. What was that Servant playing at? If she got in and started fighting, then all they might do is take out Saber and her Master, which would make the assassination easier... Which was exactly what the Master deserved. She had attacked--attacked and failed, but attacked all the same--Mother for no reason. It would be too kind to use Maria on her once the Servant was down, she would cut everything out one by one-- But Mother wanted her to retreat. Why? Why when she was [i]so close[/i] to removing one of the biggest enemies in the war? It didn't make sense but she couldn't disobey Mother. The small Servant once again moved within the Mist, moving back towards the town--away from Mother, but it wouldn't matter; this gave someone like her alleys and paths to disappear between, moving across property boundaries and taking the long route [i]around[/i] the Church, to circle up through its graveyard and arrive from behind. Yet as soon as she was gone, the Mist rapidly dissipated, leaving no sign or memory of its presence--or anything about the attack itself save for the injuries inflicted and, perhaps, the signs of magecraft used. [b]Information Erasure: B[/b] [i]"We struck because they were going to attack, but Saber took the blow herself."[/i] [@Crusader Lord]