[@Cu Chulainn] Noble phantasm horses are still the icon of the rider class. Boudica, and Alexander are primary examples of this. If you can point me towards a canon servant that has his, or her horse despite not being of the rider class I'll reconsider my stance on the matter. The second noble phantasm's strength should match his infamy in History. When I think of the Aztecs slaughter I think of I think of Cortez. On merit that he is a lesser Conquistador the phantasm should be weaker. One of the other roleplays has also told me that they believe the phantasm is also too strong, and or that it should be anti-fortress given it's inherent destructive ability. Someone has said that it is basically my Blood Clarent Arthur but stronger. Also they brought up that Conquistador is basically a fame boost for wherever they are at. The skill either should be reworked into a 'surrounded by enemy' mechanic or changed. The skill is warranted given his status as one but the wording, and nature of it means he can practically get a skill boost by simply going out to battle. Also the anonymous messanger also is taking issue with the fact that your magical resistance should be A instead of A+ with A+ only being against certain types of magic.