[img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/elderscrolls/images/f/f8/Oblivion_prison.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110923173931[/img] "You!" a gruff voice called. There was a sharp bashing on the bars of the cage, causing Alim to almost jerk out of bed. "You! Redguard!" "What?" Alim rasped, suddenly realizing just how thirsty he was. His lithe body ached, and in the gloom of the prison he looked even darker in skin than was natural even to his heritage. He sat up, rubbing the back of his neck and opening his sleep-heavy eyes, to see a heavily armed guard staring at him impatiently from the dungeon's hallway, club in his hand. "You're going to have company. A special guest has graced our dungeon." The Imperial guard declared, eyeing Alim with open contempt. Behind him, a blonde and very striking Nordic woman was led into the cell opposite of Alim. The Redguard tilted his head, curious as to what the big to-do was. "Do keep your mouth shut and stay out of the business of those who come to see her, or we'll see to it your execution is made with a dull axe." The thief felt his neck and grimaced at the very thought, and gave a nod to the guard. "Worry not, I'm simply a humble thief here to obey," he said, and the guard seemed more than satisfied with that. The armored man turned, and shut the gate behind the Nord, locking it tightly. "Rations will be given to each of you soon. Sit tight, [i]princess[/i]." The last word was clearly mocking, and the two guards headed off to continue their rounds within the dungeon, leaving only a scant torch for light between the cells of this particular block. The young and daring thief had merely told the guards what they had wanted to hear, and once he was certain they were gone, he stepped lightly and carefully over the stones of his cell toward the door, placing his hands on the bars. He peeked down the hallway, and then raised an eyebrow at the Nordic woman now unchained. "You seemed to have gotten their attention," Alim whispered, curiosity evident on his face.