[right][h3]Messy[/h3][/right][hr] Killing was always messy, but Dan found this a messier sort of killing than anticipated. The familiar coppery smell of blood filled the place, and Joe had questions. "Nice work," Dan drawled, as he looked over the handiwork. He noted that Joe wasn't a bad shot -at all- if he could get a moving target like that. Good to know. Also good to know that the Giguere brothers didn't fuck around either. "Orders are to leave them there. They wanted it to draw out some investigation and see who was running this guy. What now for us is that we're going into the hills. Not sure of the orders after that." Sometimes, he felt like a mushroom. Kept in the dark and fed shit. Then again, he didn't tell Joe that he had orders about Joe. It was done, they didn't matter anymore. There was bound to be surveillance on the guy, but that wasn't his end. That's what they had surveillance wizzes for, like the Korean girl and other specialists. Dan, Joe, Gigger, Preston, they were muscle. "Anyway, we can always use the medication, stash it away for later and I guess we can keep the money too." That, someone would probably want back. He glanced over to Joe and shrugged, "I mean, is there anything else you usually do in this situation? We want to make it look authentic," though he had unvoiced doubts on that. He holstered his pistol and tried to make sure he wasn't stepping in blood or something ridiculous like that. Fitzsimmons was dead, but he died fast and surprised. "Think it's worth getting that .30-06 round? That head is a mess. They might not figure out what went on if we grab the round." Then again, they probably would if they brought a full forensics team. Dan was pretty blase about the concept; three guys were dead and he was worrying about what came next. But it was good to have a cool head, right? Perhaps it was a reminder that the east coast establishment guys were the ones that started the CIA. He also had the feeling that the guys that ordered the hit wanted to draw some Warsaw Pact forces out here, which meant that someone was thinking sneaky. [i]Goddamnit.[/i]