As they strolled away, Alphonse began to tell Anna about how many buildings they had completed and the obstacles they encountered. Shortage of supply, rained almost for a whole, a few of the workers got sick. One even died. He walked over to the table, and grabbed two drinks - handing one to Anna. He continued to talk, and she listened taking in another sip. His demeanor was a tad different and she couldn't exactly place what had changed about him. But something did. After he kept talking, Anna began to find herself a little bored - he hadn't really asked much about her life, though not much had happened. He continued to talk about himself, his adventures, and such. Which now she was beginning to regretting taking leave with him, her interest was elsewhere. Her eyes scanned the floor, and she saw that Verna and Lucio were dancing. Biting her bottom lip, she felt a tinge of jealousy sink into her skin. Anna took a sharp breath in, and took a gulp of the ale. Her face crinkled as she swallowed it, the taste wasn't her favorite. She set the cup back down and took Alphonse's hand in the midst of his still talking. "Care for a dance?" Even though she questioned it, she dragged him to the dance floor. The two swirled together as the next song started, they didn't say anything for a while. Anna kept her eyes slightly on her new friend and barkeep, trying not to make it too obvious she was staring. As the song picked up a bit of pace, Alphonse twirled her out - and upon this her outstretched arm collided with another girls. She quickly brought her arm back to her and held it against her body, "Ow..." She looked at her arm, and saw a pretty nice scratch with some blood starting to trickle out. She looked around and saw a few of the girls around her were wearing bracelets and other elaborate jewelry, she must've cut the side of her arm on one of those. "Are you alright?" He asked, taking her arm and staring at it. He took in a sharp breath, and closed his eyes, letting out a slow deep breath. "Ermm...are you alright? Does blood make you queasy?" She questioned, and wiped the blood with her other hand. He watched her do so, and then looked around the room. "How about we go clean that up?" He suggested, and took her hand leading her from the dancefloor. They walked passed the pair dancing, she tried not to look at them as they walked by. Slightly embarrassed, and the jealousy was still clearly sitting in her gut. Alphonse stopped by a table, grabbing a cloth napkin and led her outside on a small patio. He led her to sit down, it was only the two of them - and began to wipe the blood away. Holding pressure. "Cant believe that happened.." He laughed, and then brought the cloth away. He stared at the bloodstain on the cloth, his breathing seemed to increase. "Yeah...I cant believe that. Guess there was a nick or something on her bracelet..." She looked at her arm, "It wasn't too bad. Just a scratch that drew some-- are you okay?" She realized he had brought the cloth to his face. Alphonse stood up, and shut the door - that still cracked open slightly. "Please..dont be scared, I have to do this..." He stammered, moving towards her slowly. "What are you talking about? What is going on with your face?" She stood up, and backed up towards the railing. He stared at her, his eyes began to darken, blood vessels becoming apparent. He grabbed her face lightly, and pushed a strand of hair out of her face. "Please, don't be scared Anna. Your racing heart isn't making this any easier..." He breathed, she could feel his palms getting clammy. Her eyes widened in fear, and she kept trying to back into the railing. Finally she knee'd him right in the crotch, and crawled over the railing hitting the ground and running. She screamed out for help, and continued to run towards the gardens, she stopped for a moment to look back and didn't see Alphonse. Anna stood still in the yard, everyone was inside the commotion inside probably would override her screams. She could feel her heart beating in her chest, her hands shaking as they clutched the bottom of her dress holding it up so she could run. As she turned forward, he appeared again. "That wasn't very nice Anna...I just needed your help, and now I'm angry..." He was normal, but that quickly changed again. His eyes changing, face looking evil, he peeled his lips back to reveal fangs. A hand quickly met her throat, slightly lifting her off the ground, she yelled out and more tears poured down her face. "Please don't kill me..." She whimpered through muffled gasps for air.