[center][h1][color=purple]☆[/color][color=lightgreen]Eiko Tachibana[/color][color=purple]☆[/color][/h1][/center] Eiko couldn't help but slouch in his seat, placing his head on the table and covering as much of he face as possible. Thalia could be so rude and embarrassing when round new people. He knew that she meant no harm, but he couldn't help but think so. Eiko might have been more embarrassed if he wasn't so tired, and the fact that Dawn didn't seem too upset with Thalia pointing out her very noticeable bags. [color=lightgreen]"Th-That's not true! I-I think you look nice.'[/color] Eiko attempted to reassure the girl, despite his expression not being able to hold a similar reassurance. Even the ghosts around Dawn seemed to agree with his statement, but Eiko just felt like that would make the situation even more uncomfortable. He also knew that later on he would have to go and apologize for her sister's actions later on. When Dawn stated what she planned to do currently, Eiko nodded slowly in understanding. [color=lightgreen]"W-Would you mind if I join you? I-I don't have anything better to do..."[/color] The ghostly boy questioned, his smile fading ever so slightly. [@EchoicChamber] [hr] [center][h1][color=lightgreen]☆[/color][color=purple]Thalia Tachibana[/color][color=lightgreen]☆[/color][/h1][/center] [color=purple]"Well, you don't look okay to me."[/color] Thalia answered truthfully before settling down to a sitting position directly across from Thirteen. She could tell that the other was pretty quiet, maybe anti social? Regardless Thalia kept her gaze on the pale boy, tilting her head curiously to get a better look at his face. He clearly didn't want her company, but that just made the green haired girl want to talk to him more. He seemed a lot different in comparison to the others, and it looked like he was in need of someone strong that could protect him. Luckily for him, she was a perfect fit. [color=purple]"Hey, don't expect me to leave you alone or something. No one deserves that, even if they look like they don't want it."[/color] She hummed as she copied Thirteen's posture. [color=purple]"Get use to my company. I'm sticking to you like white on rice!"[/color] She grinned, giving the boy a quick thumbs up. [color=purple]"Oh, I know! Thirteen is way to obvious of a nickname to give you. How about something else? Any ideas?"[/color] The girl questioned, feeling she would have to do most of the talking in order to make this not as awkward as it might look. [@Cherrywitch]