[img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/elderscrolls/images/f/f8/Oblivion_prison.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110923173931[/img] Thyra stumbled slightly as the guard dragged her along behind him, the chains of her shackles rattling as she moved. The irony of the situation was not lost on her; her father had promised her as a child that one day she would see Cyrodiil, and now it would be the last thing she ever saw. They stopped in front of a cell, though it looked no different than the rest. Same thick iron bars and sparse furniture, if you could call it that. What threw her off guard was that this particular cell was already occupied. There was a brief exchange between the young Redguard and the idiot who had practically dragged her down the long hallway of the prison, before the guard turned to her. Eyeing the young Redguard curiously for a moment she finally turned her attention to the guard's venomous gaze and glared. His mocking words echoed slightly in the damp darkness of the prison, a less than gentle shove forcing her into the cell as soon as the shackles were removed from her wrists. She frowned as he made his exit, rubbing the thick red lines of her wrists with a snort. "Those who come to see me? Doubt there will be much of that." she mumbled under her breath, violet eyes scanning the small dimly lit cell. Her gaze turned to the Redguard who apparently was to occupy the same space, his curious statement catching her attention. She sighed, shaking her head. "Aye, more than I bargained for I'm afraid." she replied dryly, her heavy northern accent making her origins more than apparent. "Talos give me strength." she mumbled, sinking to rest her back against the cool gray stone of the far wall. The wagon ride from Skyrim to Cyrodiil had been less than pleasant, leaving her far too sore and tired to note the emptiness of her belly. She glanced back to her new cell mate, a wry smile lighting her face. "A thief, hm? Don't suppose you know how to pick that lock then?" despite her question there wasn't a lot of hope that echoed in her tone, though she figured it couldn't hurt to ask. She doubted she would make it far, but sitting around waiting for the headsman was certainly not a pleasant option either. Would Sovngarde even have her? Part of her doubted it. A heavy sigh escaped her lips, as if she could exhale the entire weight of her heart in a single breath. "My name is Thyra." she introduced herself, turning her gaze back to him. She might as well get acquainted, the Redguard thief was likely the only interaction she would get before...she didn't care to finish that line of thought, instead turning her attention to the sound of his voice as her eyes tried to make out the details of his face with what little light the flickering torches provided.