Lucio had left and said his goodbyes to Verna, leaving her at the center. He was ready to go to bed, and think about what he was going to do tomorrow. Luckily the town was small and he could just walk casually to his bedroom in the inn. He figured he might have to find a job of some kind while he stayed here to get some money. He had plenty of wealth but he hadn’t brought anything with him. After a few steps he heard screams and a feint smell of blood wafted through the air. The blood smelled familiar but he couldn’t put a face to it. The voice of the scream also sounded familiar. Lucio jogged around to investigate. He heard another scream. He was probably running out of time. He used his vampiric speed and grabbed a piece of wood from a nearby carpenter workshop, and ran to the source of the smell and scream. He eventually found Anna being choked by this old friend of hers. His face of a vampires. He couldn’t let Anna know his secret yet, especially when she was being killed by a vampire. Or was it the perfect opportunity to let her know? Either way he didn’t have time to think. He ran up to the stranger choking her, [color=00aeef]“Hey what are you doing?”[/color] He yelled to surprise him. Alphonse was startled from his yell, he was too focused on Anna to see Lucio approach. He let go of Anna and looked over at Lucio. [color=39b54a]“Leave us alone. You’ll get to live another day.”[/color] He said with his vampiric face. Lucio chuckled, [color=00aeef]“I can’t let you do anything to her. She’s all I have right now.”[/color] He said focusing on the creature ahead of him. He was still internally debating on whether or not she should let him know what his secret is or not. He didn’t have a lot of time to think. He felt she wasn’t attached to him enough. If she saw who he really was then she might run off in fear, telling the who village what they were. This whole village could rain down on him. He didn’t feel like fighting a whole village of people. The only thing that sounded good from that was a the human blood bath he would be in. Sadly it wasn’t a good option. Dukes and other sized rulers would notice a whole village had disappeared, and he couldn’t have that. Lucio took a few steps towards him, with his stake raised. He figured he wasn’t going to let her know his secret quite yet. It was too risky. [color=39b54a]“This is your last chance!”[/color] Alphonse shouted. [color=00aeef]“I don’t care!”[/color] Luico yelled back, running towards Alphonse at a human speed. Alphonse figuring he had the upper hand ran towards him at the same speed. He pushed Lucio with all his strength sending him flying to a nearby tree. His back had collided with the tree, slightly knocking the wind out of him. He couldn’t act strong, especially like an Original vampire. Anna can’t know, not yet, not until he knew it was safe. Alphonse walked up to Lucio, picking him up and smashing his back to the tree. Lucio brought up his stake and attacked his heart. Alphonse had smacked it out of his hands, sending the wooden piece flying. [color=39b54a]“You had your chance.”[/color] Alphonse said, turning his head going in for his neck. Lucio brought up his hands and swung down his elbows, hard enough to make Alphonse lose his grip on him. Lucio’s feet had hit the ground. He ran over to the wooden stake, picking it up. Alphonse chased behind him tackling him to the ground. Lucio squirmed to turn around and face Alphonse. [color=39b54a]“Your dead.”[/color] Alphonse declared holding Lucio's hands down onto the ground. Lucio hip thrust him off his main body. Lucio used some of his vampiric strength to free his wrists from Alphonse grip. Lucio got up and tackled Alphonse. He stabbed at his heart but Alphonse had stopped it, using his vampiric strength. Lucio cracked a big smile. Anna couldn’t see it. He chuckled softly enough so only Alphonse could hear it, and whispered to him, [color=00aeef]“It’s too bad you came back here when you did. You could’ve had her all to yourself.”[/color] He said, pushing the stake into Alphonse. Alphonse had no chance at stopping the strength of the Original. Alphonse’s skin turned dark, and veiny. His head slowly turned towards Lucio,[color=39b54a] “Origin…” [/color]He managed to say before succumbing to death. Lucio had killed him. Alphonse was dead. Lucio sat there for a second. He got up from the vampire, turning around to look at Anna. [color=00aeef]“Are you okay?”[/color]