[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/EuhREDg.png[/img][/center] [hr] As Cienna opened the door, Julie looked down at her. She could see her bruised feet and the long shirt she was wearing, the tears that stained her cheeks, her wet hair and her wet wings. In short, she looked awful. The Dark Fairy looked back up at her, and something hit Julie hard. She didn't like Cienna being like this. At all. Neither one of them spoke for the longest time. She couldn't believe she was standing here right now. Fuck the Universe, man. "I-I have your purse. A-and your b-book," Julie finally spoke softly, still looking at Cienna. "A-And I-I don't have a home t-to go back to y-yet. B-But I-I understand if you want me to go s-somewhere else."