As Sasaki heard the bell ring, he snapped out of his boredom induced haze. It was the first day and already he wasn't paying much attention in science. He sighed, deciding that he'd spend his evening recommitting himself. He gathered his stuff together quickly, knowing he had a place to be. He was, admittedly, kind of excited to be a host, and he was lucky they were in need of a vice-president. He ended up speed walking over to the music room where the club was kept, not bothering to make any stops along the way. However, his excitement seemed to have gotten ahead of him, as he was the first to show up. Not sure what to do for a moment, he looked around the room. It was just as well decorated as any other part of the school, perhaps more so, given it's meant for entertainment. He got out a pencil and paper to take a note that they would need to buy flowers for the vases, as they currently didn't have any. He placed the paper on a nearby coffee table and sat down, waiting for someone to walk in. It didn't take long before someone did. Sasaki didn't recognize her at all, but she seemed older than him, and it seemed she was foreign. She walked into the room singing, apparently not expecting anyone, and then promptly announced as such. As he continued listening to her, he looked her up and down, trying to get a general sense of her personality. She seems to make herself comfortable, which isn't bad, but Sasaki wasn't expecting it. She seemed kind. He figured she'd do well as a president, though it'd take more than a few sentences and a once-over to fully evaluate that. "Don't worry about it. Singing is a natural part of life, I like to believe." He stood up and bowed, "I'm Sasaki Yuuki, and I'll be your vice-president for the school year. For our first meeting we'll be getting familiar with all the hosts, for the most part, though we'll probably have enough time to start moving on to topics of plans for the school year. If you have anything else you want to cover until the other hosts get here, however, we can certainly do so as we wait."