The sudden outward explosion of doors forced Makorai's attention away from the cross-legged woman he was connecting with, and toward the sudden appearance of Uruz. He hadn't paid attention to most of what the kind folks who gave him a place to crash in had said, but something about the sudden show of force had pulled this word association right from his subconscious. Her apology indicated a temperament that hopefully tempered her strength. Hopefully. Getting slapped was one thing, getting thrown through a wall wasn't an experience he wanted. Another girl was offering muffins. Perfect. He hadn't eaten yet today, and the sake he had stashed in the training room bathroom probably needed something to sit on anyway. [color=darkgoldenrod]"Pretty girl with Muffins? How could I say no. Thanks, I'm Makorai, Mako to friends."[/color] He cheerfully took one, and, ignoring Clifton and Oren's hesitation entirely, tossed a second to his cross legged rune claiming friend across the room. The muffin arced into the air, passed harmlessly over Clifton during the descent, and landed squarely in the crook of her lap, right side up, despite his line of sight being cut off from the bespoke blonde. He turned back to Maave who has spoken again, and the slow look of realization crossed his face. [color=darkgoldenrod]"Hey, I know you. Iron Hand Bryne. Toughest bouncer on the strip. I know a few guys who avoid your shift religiously"[/color]