The cloth all around smelled of rot and decay. Riley held her nose, and clutched Nina tight. Where the cart was going, she could not say. Then, her blood ran cold as the sound of sniffing, accompanied by a low growling, seemed to approach the cart. Nina squirmed in her arm, and Riley did her best to stay very very still. The seconds passed slow and suspenseful, but the sniffing receded and the cart pushed onwards. Slowly, the cart ground to a halt. The ever-present whir of machinery was particularly noticeable here. Slowly, Riley peeled back the cloth and looked around. It was dim, the only source of light being the shaded glow of a lamp. However, if she squinted hard enough, she could just make out grey walls and something of a ladder, reaching up to a point beyond the domain of the light. A voice boomed out from nowhere. Riley shrieked and jumped maybe half her height into the air. Then, the voice was gone as quickly as it came. Gathering her bearings, she took one last look around, then grabbed Nina. "Steady, we're going for a bit of a fly," she murmured, then leapt out of the more reasonably-heighted trolley. She landed feet first with a resounding clang, then immediately began making her way towards the ladder with the intention of going up.