Maeve turned at hearing her name, and broke into an immediate lopsided smirk. [b][color=#c4422b]"I take it you're not a fan of my work, then?"[/color][/b] she replied with a chuckle, looking the apparent alcoholic over with renewed interest. He was good looking, if you were into the 'I ride a motorcycle and think I'm hot shit' aesthetic. The 'I don't deserve love, but I'll buy you drinks and turn on my tactless charm until you're intrigued enough to ask why' type that she had seen blow through more than once in a while. Possibly a case of "dad didn't love me enough, so I'll hide my head in a bottle and my cock in a woman.' She didn't know him, but his type was easy enough to guess. [b][color=#c4422b]"I can't say I've had the pleasure of throwing you out personally, though. Makorai, was it? Kind of pleased to know there's someone from my scrap of town mussing around, though."[/color][/b] Her tone was joking as she added to Muffin Maiden and Isa, [b][color=#c4422b]"It's a bit like bringing your own trash on vacation, you know?"[/color][/b] ----- Leila Michelle Ingram had not planned on coming to the meeting. She had monitors to listen to, commands to type, and a mansion to watch. Her plan had been to wiggle a mounted camera from side to side when Clifton mentioned her, and then go back to her work. It was not so much that she wanted to avoid being around the Runes as it was that she, well... She was avoiding being around most anyone. Catching eight twenty-somethings scattered throughout the world and making sure that they lived up to and until the point was not easy work. She was looking forward to having a slow day while her coworkers managed all of the cats in one place. And then a window breach pinged into her earpiece. [b][color=#96c2f2]"Dammit."[/color][/b] A cool chill ran down her spine, and she froze, only for a split second. She typed a command onto her computer, flicked open her tablet, and pulled the screen down onto it. Her glasses, thick as the bottoms of an old glass pop bottle, reflected the glare of her display as she tapped away at the touch screen. [b][color=#96c2f2]"Dammit, dammit dammit, [i]dammit.[/i]"[/color][/b] One more tap, and she was holding the side of her earpiece and heading for the door. [b][color=#96c2f2]"Mr. Clifton, this is Officer Ingram. Disengage the threat and redirect the topic immediately. If possible, direct her to the hall. I'm on my way."[/color][/b] She took off out the door of her dimly lit office, grabbing a folded cane along her way and tucking it neatly under one arm in case she should need it. The mansion had been her home long enough that she could find her way without tapping about. And, just in case... [b][color=#96c2f2]"I repeat, [i]do not shoot the intruder.[/i]"[/color][/b]