*Gasp!* Is that… actually a post? From [i]me?[/i] By Merlin, better brace yourself for the apocalypse! It's a bit on the long side this time around. Let me know if I need to edit anything. Some quick information for you with Miles: The shadowmire were not known to Wonderland—or any of the worlds, really—until the Red Sorceress came along, so depending on how he heard of the Red Sorceress, there's a chance he won't know what they are. I'm having a moment and can't remember if you said whether or not he was in Wonderland when she started to rise to power. As a second bit of info so Elayra’s warning makes sense... White (and Black) Knights were born of magic and magic alone with the main purpose of being defenders, which was common knowledge. Created in Heart Palace, they were greatly respected in Wonderland, but were ruthless fighters against wrongdoers, and served the White Queen as palace guards, as well as took the place of police officers in the royal city. The only sure way of killing a Knight was to use magic or some kind of enchanted weapon. I can’t remember if I’ve given any info on the Knights, so if I have and any of that contradicts what I’ve already said, let me know. I tend to tweak things as I go. I’ll get around to that “Other Info” section sooner or later... Woo! Watched the half of [i]Voltron[/i] they actually put up, as planned. Darn them for separating it! At the time you asked that, yes. Yes I was. Thanks! Phew, I hope you’ve had a good couple weeks… Yeash. Life hates me. Muhahaha. No theater like the home theater! Thanks for asking about the alias. Got that changed! I do love me my online aliases.