[center][h3][color=00a651]Jomen Sury[/color][/h3][/center] [center][i]Location: Oakridge City[/i][/center] [center][i]Interacting with:[@Mr Rage][@Whoami][/i][/center] [hr] [quote]"Stop it Right there, buddy. Not anot'er step from you. We know you ain't no heala. Guardians don't get implants! Now tellus whatcha really after and maybe we kill ya quick?"[/quote] Jomen's gaze flitted from man to man examining each, his augmented eyes zooming in on their weapons as he mentally catalogued and sorted the extremists. None among them seemed to be their leader which meant that she or he was somewhere still inside the building. However, there were still six angry, nervous extremists who were already doubting him and ready to pull their triggers given any wrong action. Slowly, Jomen raised his had to his mouth, each motion deliberate, as he made eye contact with the extremist who had spoken. He opened his mouth and sunk his teeth into the thenar eminence, the grouping of muscles between the base of his thumb and wrist, of his right hand. The fierce burn of the wound almost made him pull away, but he resisted the urge, focusing on the task before him. He held the position till blood began to well up and then removed his hand for the extremists to see. Blood dripped down from his hand and settled into the newly cluttered carpet below as the taste of iron registered on his senses. Ignoring the pain as well as the taste in his mouth, he raised his other hand above his wound. Inside himself, he called out to the spirits who resided within him for their aid. A drop of crystal clear water no larger than a green pea formed at the tip of his left index finger. It would have been difficult to see if Jomen had not added a slight glowing effect to the magic with some slight help of the fire spirits within him. The drop fell from his finger and landed upon his wound spreading outward to cover its entire surface. From where it landed, the flesh upon his hand rippled like that of a stone thrown upon still waters. There was a deep sensation of itching at the site of the wound, but also of relief. When Jomen next raised his hand, the only unmarked skin was upon his right hand. There were murmurs in the room at this as the extremists glanced among themselves in confusion. Jomen could see it the question in their eyes, if he truly were Guardian Healer, what was he doing here of all places? There was still one more issue to resolve before he would speak on that. He touched the side of his temple were the release mechanism for his left eye was located. There was a small click and half of his vision went dark. When Jomen raised up his augmented eyes for the group to see, the room went silent. Intense gazes around the room looked from the eye to the figure before them. Satisfied that they were no longer doubting that he was who he said he was, Jomen replaced his eye and felt some small sense of relief as his full spectrum of vision was reasserted. "Aright les say you is who you say you is after all, Heala. What is it you be wantin?" The same one spoke up as before, this time, however, a new man entered from one of the nearby doors. The most distinguishing feature of the man was his massive sword that hung from the man's back as well as the air of authority that hung over him. Jomen altered his focus to the new man picking up visual cues from the mans demeanor. His muscles spoke of the ability to use the weapon effectively, but there were several interesting clues to the man's current state of mind. His clothes were wrinkled and very well worn, in addition bags under the mans eyes spoke of several sleepless nights, and the obvious tension in the man's shoulder muscles all told out of an exhausted man at the end of his mental rope. It was possible that what this man really wanted right now was an escape from this situation. He turned to face the man stared slightly above the man's spiked up hair, avoiding direct eye contact. [color=00a651]"I would like for everyone to leave this building alive and safely. Everyone in this building."[/color] There were disbelieving mutters from around the room, except for who Jomen assumed was the leader who just watched silently. Jomen's face did not change from its calm neutral expression, he simply waited for the room to calm down once again. [color=00a651]"I have a proposition for you all that I hope you will consider with utmost seriousness. One that will not only save not only the lives of the innocent civilians you have stored above, but also your own lives while simultaneously helping to change public perception of your cause to a more positive light."[/color] At that the leader's eyes rose in surprise and it seemed a light of hope began to show in the faces of his men. [color=00a651]"The offer is this. Release the hostages, come with my unit to fight against the Stigma directly at the Battle of Ledale. I know your fight is with the UDF and Field Marshall Angelos and as far as I am concerned, you may have some valid points. I have not yet examined or heard enough of your doctrine to say one way or another. My responsibilities are to the civilians and the spirits in this land threatened by the Stigma, not to dispose of potential fellow human allies. I can call another vehicle and travel with you to Ledale to ensure that you will not be harmed. If you help save your fellow humans then you will improve your reputation in the citizens eyes. Especially if they hear that a Guardian reached out to you for assistance to turn the tides of the battle."[/color] At this moment, his eyes at last made contact with the leaders eyes. [color=00a651]"You are in Oakridge, a city filled with police and Guardians, this is your only opportunity to get out of this situation with your lives and your honor. Come with me, fight the Stigma, and further your own goals."[/color] Jomen settled back as the men in the room began to talk among themselves some excitedly, some more cautiously, but the obviously the only one whose opinion mattered in the room was now the leaders. Jomen hoped internally that he had offered the correct argument to sway the man, otherwise it would become much more difficult to save the hostages. If they did accept, there may be some political consequences to allowing them to join the fight, but the lives of the citizenry were more important as well as doing everything possible to obtain victory at Ledale. The leader spoke at last. "What happened to your eyes?" The question threw Jomen from his train of thought and he blinked in surprise and discomfort. Memories came back to him that he would have rather never have remembered. He hesitated, before answering. "[color=00a651]"I had an accident when I was young."[/color] "Did you truly?" [color=00a651]"...No."[/color] "What then?" [color=00a651]"...I burnt them out of my skull."[/color] Jomen closed his mouth and took a slow, deep breath, his nostrils flared out as he waited for the leader's decision. Would he accept or deny him?