Donnerhardt stopped in his tracks as a stranger butted into his space, a smile spreading on his features as he looked the figure over. "Oh!" He chuckled and immediately went in for a hardy handshake- perhaps a bit too hard and friendly on his end, but no matter! He was having fun, and unlike Delphia he had the charisma for socializing. "Guten Morgen! Another one of us? Ah, do my eyes deceive me- A pleasure, such a pleasure," Donnerhardt drew his hand away, waving it about to rid the lingering remnants of smoke. "I for one am doing quite well, though under these circumstances I would not say the same for my fair contractor. I am Do-" A small hand reached over to grab the taller male's wrist, pulling him aside. Delphia stepped in, taking what was once his place and looking up with a frown. "Don't talk to him." She stated, pointing her free hand at Wakefield. "We have more important things to do, making friends isn't on the list." Her words were blunt, straight to the point, lacking any sort of sympathy to make her... Well, a likable person. Donnerhardt broke free from her grip, simply opting to pick her up by grasping at the back of her shirt collar. "Shame on you!" He'd retort, "You little gremlin you. So much rage in that tiny body, very unhealthy." The taller man tucked Delphia underneath his arm, securing her despite her thrashing and frustration. "Where was I? Ah! I am Donnerhardt, this is my contractor; Delphia. In Latin, it means dolphin, however she lacks the pleasant nature of one." He let out a light bout of laughter before settling back down. "Forgive her sour attitude- although making friends is not on her list, it is certainly on mine. Where is your contractor, Herr Wakefield?" How curious to see him without one in the first place. Donnerhardt had only seen pairs up until now, though perhaps he was mistaken. [@EurmalEye]