[hider=Nicholas Baldwin-Sloan] Name: Nicholas Baldwin-Sloan Age: 22 Gender: Male Appearance: Nicholas stands close to 6'1 and is fairly skinny only weighing between 150-170lbs. Tho most of his weight is muscle due to his very low amount of fat, the only place where he has visible fat is on his belly and its not that much just enough to be noticeable. His arms usually look like noodles until he flexes/uses them, but they are not all that muscular even when flexing. He has medium length brown with small hints of dirty blonde hair and a rather long fringe he keeps swept to the side. His Dark brown/blonde facial hair consists of a short wild beard and moustache that almost connect around his mouth. His beard continues up the sides of his face making light but wild sideburns. Skills: Nicholas is good at planning, often preferring to have a solid plan to fall back on not liking the riskiness of winging it. He can use a sword or sword like weapon with a level of skill after being taught from his brother who practices since he was little. He is also good and cramming things into order be it constructing fortifications or hiding his mess. He also cooks some good pasta (He hopes). Fitness Level: Average. Other: Nicholas likes to make people smile and help them with most of their problems, he'll often ask how your going if he is led to believe your not feeling your best. And if he does get the chance to help you with your problems be it reaching something that's on the very top shelf or talking to you about more personal things. His main goal is to make sure everyone is happy. [/hider]