Thyra gave him a curious look as he spoke, her violet eyes moving from her braid to his own dark eyes. "Skaven?" she questioned lightly, her knowledge of Hammerfell cities sorely lacking. Her education as a child had been rather thorough regarding the history of the Nords, the empire of Cyrodiil, and of course the history of the elves. She remembered sitting in Farengar's study, pouring over books as he cited the various battles and wars fought between the races, though it was always here that her mind would begin to wander. She had heard the tales of Skyrim and of the dragons and the elves all her life. They were a staple to her people and stories were told around hearths and fires, bards sang of heroes and villains alike. She was far more curious about the distant places that few of her people had ever seen; Hammerfell, Valenwood,Elsweyr, the Summerset Isles. Dessert sands and warm tropical forests, woodlands that stretched and towered and consumed the horizon. Shaking the thoughts from her mind she smiled, catching the apple as he rolled it to her. "Thank you." he was a curiosity for sure, not at all like the stiff and hardened men of the north, who barely spoke and when they did it was more of a bark, hard as steel and rough on the ears. She chuckled at his comment regarding their executions. "I'm not entirely sure that's comforting. I think it's safe to say Sovngarde would have better accommodations." she joked back, sighing as she stretched out her sore muscles and grimaced. "What is it like? Hammerfell, I mean." Thyra questioned with interest, resting her head back against the cool damp stone as she bit into the crisp apple. It was sweet and delicious, and she closed her eyes momentarily to savor the taste. Content to have something in her belly at last, she relaxed back once again, content to listen to his tales for the next few passing moments. His prediction about the guard had proved true, and just as she finished the apple there came the slow, shuffling footsteps that echoed through the musty hall, accompanied by the jingle of old iron keys. Glancing around the cell, she spotted a crack in the stone and decided it would have to do, stashing the remnants of the apple core into it to hide the evidence. Likely, it would be gone by morning and at least one of the rodents who inhabited this prison would be fat and happy come morning. The guard finally stepped into view, two trays in hand as he rummaged for the proper key. "You try anything, and I'll send you to the grave m'self." he growled at her, the heavy locks giving way under the leverage of the old key as he shoved the cell door open. "Here. Choke on it." he snarled, tossing the tray onto the makeshift table as the watery contents of the bowl splashed over the sides. He spat at the ground next to her before turning his attention to Alim. "If you know what's good for you, you'll keep your distance from that." he warned, jerking his head in her direction as he shoved the tray of stale bread and watered down soup towards the Redguard.