Alex didn't budge from the staredown, but he did shrug his shoulders in a rather [i]whatever[/i] fashion. Though he certainly offered no apologies; after all, it wasn't his fault Max didn't know how to take a hint. [i]Sure, Adams, I'm not the best trainer. Not yet. But I will be, whether you let me in here or not.[/i] Eventually, as Mr. Adams got to writing out dorm rooms, Alex breathed an inward sigh of relief. [i]At least I know there's [b]one[/b] place I won't be bothered by this kid. Though this does mean I have four other trainers to deal with.[/i] He glanced at Houndoom, who had silently resumed his self-appointed post at Alex's side, and absently scratched him behind the ears. As Mr. Adams began to write down the names for the second dormitory, Alex took the opportunity to get a better look at all of his classmates. There was Max, of course, who he had already grown to dislike. Up in front was a kid with a Grovyle that seemed a little [i]too[/i] attached to his trainer. Ah, and now another kid was walking in late. All in all, Alex was thoroughly unimpressed. "Guess it's just us again," he muttered, just loud enough for Houndoom to hear. He whined softly in response.