She had been watching Clifton extremely closely, he of all people, she figured would recognize her positioning and she hadn’t been wrong, the slightest of signals, if she hadn’t been paying close attention she would have missed it a simple flick of the eyes a contraction of otherwise benign facial muscles. ‘do not engage’ a message received she would subtly adjust her stance almost imperceivably but enough to show she no was no longer engaging. Clifton seemed to handle the situation with all the diplomacy and skill of his station as he soon had her out of the room and seeing the girl whom clearly did not belong amongst the leave she relaxed quite notably walking back to the position she had previously occupied against the wall. She eyed Isa with something akin to disdain in her eyes, she wondered how someone who so clearly had been here such a long time had not recognized the true danger of the situation. Wondering if the woman had any true combat training at all she would ask as much. [color=darkorchid]“Hey.. Isa… have you ever actually been outside the city walls?”[/color] her questions while seeming to question her abilities were said with such a tone that it would seem to be conversational, as if attempting to find a common ground between the two. Silvarae wondered what good this meeting would do as they were wasting precious time where they could be learning more about their runes and how to better use them for practical purposes. Not sitting around in an office growing soft while the monsters that lurk the within the shadows of the city grew ever stronger. It annoyed her that she had been interrupted for this, but that was what they wanted her to do so here she was. She was also curious as to when she would finally get to start training with the other runes, like she’s seen a couple of the training but it had always been individual, she much desired to work with the others as well to learn better ways to fight creatures that might just use powers similar to theirs. The primary concern on her mind though was why they hadn’t even given her the briefest of clues as to why she was here, other than the fact that she had the Algiz rune, a branching tree like rune, that appeared on the back of her left hand. If that was the only reason she would be better off out there helping people, protecting those that purchased her skills. But Cliffton had struck a deal with father and she was here now. Listening to Isa speak her curiosity was piqued, she spoke as though she knew everything there was to know about the runes, she would then hold her hand up showing off her own rune. [color=darkorchid]“Say, what does this do?”[/color] she knew the premise behind it, but she wanted to see if the woman who claimed to know everything about runes knew what she was capable of and not just what the books said. She would not be guising the challenge at this point, she wanted to call Isa out on this little facet of her own tirade. [@VitoftheVoid]