[@POOHEAD189] Beautiful, beautiful little animals. Look at the little sausages! Thank you so much for sharing. [@GodOfWar] She sounds wonderful; English Bulldogs are charming little porkers. It's lovely to hear that she loves your children; that's such a great quality to have in a dog. My mum struggled looking after me and my needs at the same time as keeping an eye on my other siblings, so she applied for a service dog when I was very young. Harvey was given to me when on my eight birthday, and looked after me and my narcolepsy for the next twelve years. He was my whole world, and it's especially hard now since I live on my own (not to mention my mum panicking now that I don't have anyone watching me!) But I suppose I was lucky in that Harvey didn't need to be put to sleep, and instead walked the rainbow bridge in his own time. He was very old, but lived an almost pain-free life with the exception of his stiff hips, which are typical among shepherd breeds. Things are getting better with time.