Sovngarde. He had heard that word before, and it rang a bell in his thoughts. He was certain it was not a city, but a special- His mind caught up with him, and he chuckled when he realized what she had meant. Wait, she was still talking! He perked up attentively, making sure he absorbed what she was saying in his mind. When he realized she was merely asking about his home province, further thought on the dunes and cities caused him to feel what most would describe as melancholy. Alim pressed his back to the wall, and slid down it until his rump was on the floor. One leg stretched out, and the other bent at the knee, a muscled arm resting across it. As he opened his mouth to speak, a jingle and a curse was heard. He had been more right than he had thought. He gave her a wink, as if he could tell the future and this was all according to plan. Pulling himself up, the Redguard had to nearly catch the tray that was thrown to him, very glad his look of amused skepticism was not seen by the Guard who's vision wasn't as accustomed to the dark as the prisoner's eyes were. [i]I never did know what was good for me[/i], he thought wryly. "Yes sir. Pretty women are of no interest to me. We Redguards are a stoic people, after all." he said, his tone neutral. The guard looked at him hard, and then shook his head and walked off, giving Thyra another glare before stomping into the next section of the prison. Alim couldn't help but give the guard a rude hand gesture as he walked off, and then sighed as he found himself sitting in his previous position. "My homeland has far better guards than Cyrodiil, to speak truthfully. The-" He stopped, and slowly but surely he had a very sly look to his handsome face. "Perhaps one day you can see Hammerfell. I cannot do it justice with words." He said knowingly, thinking. He let his words sink in for a moment, before continuing. "I have noticed a lack of guards here recently. There used to be three or four together, but now it's odd to see two. If I can grab the keys..."