"I, uh, suppose that's fine, yes." It was a little weird being referred to as sama, but he supposed she must think it justifiable. It occurred to him that she might understand that sama is a bit formal, but by the time he realized that the moment had gone by too quickly for correcting her not to seem weird, and he certainly didn't want to seem rude by correcting her, especially if he was wrong, so instead he just let it go and sat down, ready to get to business. She seems to be the wistful type, as it took her a few moments to respond to him, but that didn't bother him so much. He grabbed the paper on the coffee table and began making notes as they talked, first adding a note next to his note about the flowers that the discussion of budget in general should be had (though with the school's wealth it's less a topic of need and more a topic of "What are we gonna spend all this on?"). "Advertising is a good idea. I doubt we'll get anything worth posting out by tomorrow, but certainly by the end of the week. We could probably get an announcement out to the school somehow- I'm sure there's some way for clubs to do that. I'll get on that once we close up the meeting." He added that in his notes, looking up once he saw that Azura had produced a piece of paper. He listened to her explain the contents, he nodded and gave a quiet "Ah, thank you", knowing that it'd be helpful. He started to read the list before he heard Azura start to express her own doubts. It wasn't something Sasaki was exactly prepared for, but it wasn't something he wanted to leave awkwardly out in the air, so he said, "I wouldn't sell yourself short so quickly, Azura-sempai. After all, you've been the president for all of five minutes. Give yourself time to find comfort in your place. And just because I'm quick to get ready to organize doesn't make me more suitable to be a president. You were picked to be president for a reason, after all." He went to look over all the names, and found he recognized none of them. It wasn't particularly surprising, since he was new to the school, but he figured it didn't matter, as he'd get familiar with them soon enough. As he looked it over, the sound of the door opening alerted him to the presence of a new host. As Azura and the man introduced themselves to one another, Sasaki got a good look at him. He seemed pretty serious, from what he could tell, but not cold, exactly. And it seemed he carried a superfluously expensive bag. Not that half the things in this school weren't superfluously expensive, of course, but it stood to be noted. Once Azura was done talking, Sasaki stood and bowed once more, "I'm Sasaki Yuuki, and I'll be the vice-president this year. Pleasure to meet you." As he sat back down, he took a note about discussing club events, since Azura mentioned it.