[center] [h1]The Kingdom of Zellonia[/h1] [h2][img]http://img08.deviantart.net/28f2/i/2016/056/1/4/random_fictional_english_flag_by_captainvoda-d46x97b.png [/img][/h2][/center] [center][color=pink] [h2]The Memoital Question[/h2][/color] [/center] With the economic instability brought on by the war, Prince Bernard was forced to abdicate on August 19th. Nearly 3 days later King Conrad the Courageous [i]The nickname people had begun calling him after having heard he survived an assassination attempt with the greatest military in the world.[/i] ascended to the throne of the memoital commonwealth. Though previously the memorial commonwealth was a constitutional monarchy compared to the Zellonian absolute monarchy many were unsure how things would operate. The king gave a speech on the 23th to alleviate any insecurities about the new government in the capital of Memoital in Memoial. [i] “People of the Memoital Commonwealth, let me be the first to officially welcome you to the Kingdom of Zellonia. While our two great countries have always bonded in the past with common goals we lead differently, it is time for that to change. As such with advice from my council. We will install a parliamentary system into the the new found Kingdom of Zellonia, it will propose and serve in an advisory capacity to the king, and together we shall run the country and manage accounts. The first of said actions will be reviewing the budget and working on fixing the economy to make Zellonia strong and stable for generations to come. Furthermore the military of memoital and zellonia will be reorganized into a singular fighting force that shall become as proud as our own navy. In conclusion I am proud to welcome you all to Zellonia and may we rule the ways.” [/i] The speech was given thunderous applauds and would be printed in newspapers around the country. [center][color=pink] [h2]The Phoenix Spreads its Wings[/h2][/color] [/center] After the numerous advances made out to several countries only 2 had truly responded the great eastern neighbor the Tsardom of Radena had rejected the offer to trade rubber for Machine parts and with it the defensive pact. While sad and disheartening the economics minister Jerromy Miser understood given the circumstances. In brighter news however, the Republic of Itherae known for their long held republican traditions had requested Naval officers to teach them for the price of a million, the Grand Admiral Jacob Tervington was thrilled and the council agreed and sent along 60 naval officers to Itherae to begin training them on combat capabilities on their very limited navy. In addition an attempt is ordered by Ambassador Edward Revington to open up talks to kalpia about acquiring some of their rifle or specifically their rifle designs. As well as to see if kalpia would be open to any sorts of trade deals. Furthermore, with the recent aggressions on the continent overtures were made to the Empire of Violette and Tyro-Redanian Empire to see if the Kingdom of Zellonia maybe of service. [center][color=pink] [h2]The Phoenix Parliament[/h2][/color] [/center] On August 28th, a mere 5 days after King Conrad’s speech the Zellonian Parliament was formed. With 25 senior members from the former Memoital Commonwealth’s own parliament together with 25 members from the king’s former advisors and senior ministers. They would meet for 9 months out of every 12 to advise and discuss issues they would do it in intervals of 3 with the 4 month being a recess. However for their first meeting would last for however long it would take to fix the economy. Many believed a tax increase as well as a decrease in expenditure specifically in the naval budget. However until a full accounting of memoital was handed in nothing would be officialized.