[@Dr Catfish]Chief O'Brien, Dr. Lee, and two crew each from the Odyssey and DS9 walked the halls of the derelict station, suited due to the lack of atmosphere from multiple hull breaches. "Ok," said O'Brien. "Three teams of two, one from each group. Lee and I will try and get a computer interface running so we can run diagnostics. T'Prin and Johnson, you start heading to the first mounting point for the structural integrity field generators. Lindstrom and Lo, you head to the second site. If you find anyone alive, get them back to the runabout so Dr. Bashir can look them over." With that the three teams split up. O'Brien and Lee assumed that the higher-than average power levels they were detecting were near a working computer console, and so headed that way. It only took them a couple of minutes to hack the door control, though Lee wasn't certain that he had been the one to unseal it, and they made their way down the hall. Lee lifted his scanner. "The power signature is coming from a few meters inside this room." he said, stepping inside. [hr] [@Burning Kitty] "I won't treat people like criminals because of their race." answered Sisko, "but I will tell Odo to keep anyone that's joined or sympathizes with Origin under surveillance. If they do anything to threaten the safety of people on this station, I'll have them arrested and questioned. Down on the Promenade Captain Kiva walked by several men in heavy armor who were carrying Phaser Rifles, as they functioned as Starfleet Security and were therefore allowed to carry them.. Their scanners would show that his necklace was technological, but they wouldn't necessarily reveal exactly what manner of technology was concealed within. Adria had designed it better than that. [hr] [@mattmanganon]Odo and several security officers met Col. Carter and Dr. Zelenka from the Odyssey outside the airlock to Upper Pylon 2. The two people from the the Odyssey had beamed into position a few seconds earlier, still unable to use the airlock. When the people from the Trafalgar came out of the airlock, Odo stepped forward. "I'm Odo, chief of security for Deep Space Nine. I'm going to have to ask you to return your weapons to your ship. I don't allow weapons on this station except for authorized personnel. I'll be taking you to the station's Commanding Officer, though. He may authorize you to carry weapons." Odo stepped to the side while he waited to see what they would do about their weapons, and let the two Odyssey Crew members step forward. "Hello, I'm Colonel Samantha Carter," she said, holding out her hand, "and this this is Dr. Zelenka. We are from the ship parked beside you, called "Odyssey". Normally they wouldn't ask the crew of one ship, especially the commanding officer, to help repair another ship, bu the station detected a slight leak of several forms of exotic matter and radiation from your vessel. We were asked to see if you needed help repairing it, as our FTL technology is much closer to yours that anything the people that run this station are familiar with, and we are both engineers."