Sitting next to the door of the bar, Vladimir can see all from his position. The place is dark and damp, with all the noise and smell he can think of from mercenaries. The place is filled with many people, all those that dream to take the bounty the king had set for those that can save his daughter. But most of them will die by the first night. Only a few Vladimir can think of that suitable as his new teammates. The human that walked across the room, the elf that is sketching something, and the lady that just walk out from the bar. Especially from the woman, Vladimir can feel something about her as the magic current flow with her, trying to tell him about something. Vladimir considers his current choices while putting his hand on his mask. Join the human and the elf, for a warrior and a scout, or join the mystery woman for a god know what. But Vlad preferred the first choice. For in this world, there aren't any witches or wizards that would be so foolish to go alone without a melee tank. Thus, Vlad doesn't even know who she is or what she is, and what could she bring to the table. Finishing his train of thought, Vladimir lifted himself up from the wooden chair and walked through the bar. The people moved aside, thinking they were lucky enough for not welcoming him. Vlad thinks he heard laughter and mocks about him can sometimes be heard in this small place. But he didn't mind small things that corpses are creating. Putting his hand on the table, Vladimir broke the conversation between the human and the elf. "Greeting, I'm Vladimir Voynich. And I'm a Necromancer." Vladimir pause for a brief moment, trying to see if there are any trace of emotions that can be seen from the opposite side. "But please, unlike other Necromancers, I also profession in Life magics too. And I can also create skeletons to haul the equipment." Trying to not make his request to be an order like others Necromancers, Vladimir waited for a moment before asking. "So, can I join?"