[@Lemons][@Kit DewStein] Luke tilted his head to the side as he watched Gavin’s mandibles in action. “Yeah, I’m sure that definitely sucks, but skins pretty stretchy, right? I’m sure you’ll adjust, just give it time. Maybe try focusing on something else. Me, I’m no stranger to pain, that’s usually what I did. Hey, how strong you think those mandibles are? Think you could bite through stuff?” He said shifting the subject around a bit, he made a conscious effort to keep his voice low so he wouldn’t bother Noelle too much. If they were trying to make super soldiers here they must all have some useful skills. “See, way I figure it, we’ve all got to have something useful, something that would qualify use to be “super soldiers,” ever since I woke up I can tell my reflexes are fast and I’m guessing,” he paused for a second to open his mouth wide enough for his fangs to pop forth, “that these are venomous. So, you gotta have some strength in those bug jaws, right?” He said taking a second to size up Gavin, nothing else besides the wings immediately stood out as being weaponizable. He then glanced over at Noelle. “You’ve got super hearing, right? You think you can do that echo thing bats do? Or any other cool new powers? I mean we freaks gotta stick together now. I don’t know what you guys are thinking but I’ve got a real bad feeling about this place and if I’m right, well then if we stick together I think we have chance at gettin’ out, not right away of course, but our moment will come and I think we should be ready to take it when it does.” Luke said softly as he studied the expressions of Noelle and Gavin as he spoke.