Maeve's brow furrowed as Makorai handed her the cup, and she took a cautious sniff, followed by a pucker-lipped sip of the steaming hot liquid. Her tongue troughed inside her mouth as a reflex to the expected burn, but the flavor underlying the temperature could not be mistaken. Her mouth quirked into an approving grin, and she took a more considerable swig. [b][color=#c4422b]"How did you know I took two sugars?"[/color][/b] she replied, and nodded her agreement with his choice. [b][color=#c4422b]"Here's to mornings, if they're all like this."[/color][/b] Her line of vision then followed Saika's, and her smile almost turned down into a look of admonishment. Or, at least, a furrow-browed, lopsided-smirk followed by a one-handed shrug that could have passed for disapproval in some circles in regard to some situations. [b][color=#c4422b]"I don't want to assume things, now, being unchivalrous or the like,"[/color][/b] she started to him alone, but perked up at his suggestion. [b][color=#c4422b]"That's not a bad idea, you know? Do some camping, make a small fire? We could all fit in just a couple of tents if- Hey!"[/color][/b] Maeve didn't know a lot, but she was pretty sure you couldn't just leave meetings held by your Benevolent But Mysterious Hosts (trademark.) [b][color=#c4422b]"Hey, Blondie! You can't just bounce on- Hold that thought, Isa. I'm gonna go- She can't do that, right?"[/color][/b] Maeve shook her head, downed her cup, and trotted out into the hall after the woman. [b][color=#c4422b]"Blondie?"[/color][/b] Her voice was softer than usual. She had not expected Zero to be shaking. [b][color=#c4422b]"Uh- Sorry stuff got tense with the two of you or whatever, but I think we should probably go back, soon. I'm not big into rules, but they're going to ride your ass if you just blow them off like that."[/color][/b] She cleared her throat. [b][color=#c4422b]"I mean. I can't twist your arm."[/color][/b] ----- If anyone around could read minds, the constant stream of thoughts pouring from Mitch's head would have sounded a bit like a blaring alarm bell accompanied by a never-ending, full-lunged sigh of disappointment. Not quite enough energy to be mad, just disappointed. Maybe an expletive or nine. She turned a corner, and she could hear the clip of CLifton's footfalls, plus one. [b][color=#96c2f2]"He's killed multiple people, and done worse to far larger beings,"[/color][/b] she greeted, her line of would-be vision directed to the bit of air directly between the both of them. [b][color=#96c2f2]I've got it from here, Mr. Clifton. Thank you so much for your help! And, if you would, save me a donut?"[/color][/b] The size of the thing was wrong. And the sound, too. All of it. But it was, and what was simply [i]was[/i]. [b][color=#96c2f2]"My name is Mitch Ingram, head security officer,"[/color][/b] she said, and extended a hand forward. [b][color=#96c2f2]"I handle most of everything here, including who soever comes in and out of these doors. And windows. I will be managing your case from here forward."[/color][/b] She turned about on the soles of her flat black loafers, and gestured with one hand for the guest to follow. [b][color=#96c2f2]"Or you could kill me. I can't do much about it, but somebody eventually might. Or not. It would be messy, and I advise against it, in the long-run. I don't actually know what would happen." "Will you take tea, or coffee?"[/color][/b]