Madison’s smile faltered somewhat at the woman’s reaction. Her wrist was visibly glowing- like if an LED light had been embedded beneath the skin- but she seemed more...annoyed by the event than anything. [color=#0A8558]“Well,”[/color] he said, after a moment. He extended his hand to the woman, allowing her to examine the markings that bore her name. [color=#0A8558]“I hope that I’m not bothering you, Miss Raterfell, but my name is Madison Lovette. You and I seem to be soulmates.”[/color] Now that he was close to her, and the initial excitement of discovering his partner had worn off, he came to realize that Stefany was very much human. The scent of mortality hung about her like a mist, and Madison’s nostrils flared ever-so-slightly in response. No matter, he decided. At the moment, making a good first impression was the most important thing. [@ineffable] [hr] Tall. Really, really fucking tall. Stride considered herself pretty average in height, and even she found herself stepping back in order to really look the guy in the eyes. She crossed her arms over her chest, giving him a quick once-over before speaking. [color=#BC6101]“If the reason ya came here was to get on me ‘bout my clothes, then ya might wanna find someone who actually gives a damn about ‘em.”[/color] Stride cracked her neck. [color=#BC6101]“Call me Stride. And ‘fore ya start askin’ more questions, ya mind tellin’ me [i]why’re[/i] ya askin’?”[/color] The man spoke in the same manner as she did before taking a statement, or preparing to flash the badge in the face of a particularly unruly homeowner. Well. He was a little more concise about it, admittedly, but it went along the same lines. While pondering this, she came to notice something...that she really [i]didn’t[/i] want to notice, actually. The guy, Zephyr, his wrist was glowing. Burning bright, actually. It was only after catching sight of it that she noticed her own had begun to sear, and Stride had to bite her tongue to suppress a groan. Fuck. Stride discreetly pulled her sleeve further up her arm, although the fabric did little to conceal the obnoxious glaring of her wrist. If he wasn’t going to mention it, she decided, then she sure as hell wouldn’t, either. Perhaps someone would consider the move childish, yes, but Stride certainly wasn’t that someone. [@Daemanis]