Please PM if interested - Currently: Closed- 〖 Read thoroughly, please. 〗​ [color=fff200]About Myself​[/color] You can just go ahead and call me Cipher (If we've been going on for a good chunk of time, i'll give you my actual name). I have roughly five years of writing experience. I still have a long way to go and much to learn. please do not pester me for a response. A nudge is fine, if I've been quiet for a while!! I’m pretty easy to excite and could probably talk your ear off in OOC chat. [color=fff200]Roleplay [/color] >> Post frequency: Response time is inconsistent. I could give you a response daily or bi-weekly. If something is going to cause a delay, i'll let you know. If you expect a steady flow of responses on the daily, i'm not your guy! >> Please keep your posts nice and lengthy; just give me something to work with please. I don't you to match up to my own length, but if you could keep it to at least a solid 2 paragraphs that would be fantastic! Again, my response length usually depends on how interested I am in the plot. However, if your responses are smaller, i'll most likely be quicker to respond. Quality over quantity! >> I’m pretty forgiving with grammar mistakes considering I make them too. We are all human. I don’t expect perfect responses and I will not point errors out. So don’t stress out too much, but please try. No text talk or abbreviations. It's fine if your character mispronounces things, has a drawl, accent, or speech impediment. >> Third Person narrative only, please. >> Thread or PM? I prefer PM. >> Be somewhat friendly? It’s hard for me to enjoy writing with someone who acts like they’d rather be doing anything else. Ex. Bullying and verbal abuse, I won't tolerate it at all. There's a difference between your character being an asshole and you being one. >> No God modding, or flawless characters. Give em' a couple of cracks. >> Let me know if you are disappearing for a while! Life happens, I get it. I wouldn’t even mind if you dropped the roleplay without giving me a heads up, but please understand this; I will most likely drop the roleplay automatically after one month of no response and no reason. >> No damsels in constant distress, or macho men without brains. Unless they are secondary characters. You shouldn't see that from me either. >> Don’t leave me in the dark. I’d rather not just be handed a pairing and be expected to pull together a plot alone. Shoot out some ideas! I love hearing opinions and suggestions as to what we can include. >> Horror fanatic! I'm a very big fan of writing gore, and if that's something you do not care for even in the slightest, again, i'm not for you. Thrillers are much appreciated, if you come to me with anything of the sorts, it's going to make me super happy! >> Long term partners wanted. Meaning that if either of us has to stop playing for any reason, we may return. I'm always game for picking back up where we left off. Or we can start a new world/plot entirely. If it is something to do with my writing or an issue from my end, then we don't have to RP again! Easy peasy, pal. >> The majority of my plots and pairings contain mature content. My partner, me, and our characters are to be of 18+. ☆═━┈┈━═☆ Plots some of my own, but come at me with something not listed and i'll help build! (These may need help building!) Fisheye: Open A psychologist, MC, has exactly twenty-four hours to find his patient. YC, a man dead set on triggering a mass domino effect of fatal destruction is nowhere to be found. The only thing he’s left behind is a bouquet and a card. One with message, along with some directions. MC is the first piece to be toppled over. They aren’t strangers, but they know nothing of the other. Not what’s already on paper. MC seems to have a grasp, he really believed it anyways, but there is much more under the surface of YC. A part that is unveiled through a dangerous cat and mouse game. Clues, taunts, and brisk intense meetings will ensue. This patient is out for blood, and his psychologist is being targeted. Him and the whole city. ____ Red Giant: Open ( I need a summer romance. Hurt/comfort, first times, stargazing. Give me it all.) It’s summer, 1970. Two boys are on their way to a cabin on the lake. They narrowly take the same roads, travel with two parents, and both do not want to be along for the ride. It’s when they arrive at this lake, with water that shimmers, and a sun that seems to burn eternally, that they meet. Eyes over a pool of separation and stuck on two opposite sides. Having more in common than they can both even understand; MC is deaf, YC is repressed. ____ Payout: Open MC is doing time for a petty crime. Petty compared to most of the animals slinking between these cages. Here to do his time quietly and nicely, before hitting the road and leaving this all behind. Armed robbery with a deadly weapon; five to eight and he’ll be but an impression in the mattress. YC is guilty. Caught, quite literally, red handed after running as far as those feet would take him. MC doesn’t know how many years his new roommate is in for. A lot of things weren’t clear about him. Besides the fact he owned the top bunk. Another thing, an intimidating thing, YC wants out. A request that had no right to be uttered, not here. He wants MC's help. Caught between ruthless gangs and their ill brought intentions, MC decides to lend a hand for the time being. If only to get some protection. ____ The Tipping Jar: Open MC isn’t making the bills; he’s slipping through the cracks with a frail grip on his income. He’s drowning in debt, and he can’t seem to keep his head above the tides. School is chewing clean through him by bills, deadlines, and nagging professors. At the end of the day he comes home to an apartment dislocated from the university and holed up in the city. Barely cutting rent and keeping his fridge stocked. After slaving on his feet all day, MC meets YC. A big shot with a nice car and a nicer suit who doesn’t seem to mind tipping MC in twenties. Thinking this is a handout, an after work confrontation leads to the discovery of two things. They both wants something from the other, and MC might do just about anything to keep those tips coming. And then some. ____ Live Wires: Open They come here to change, not to adapt. Mayers while clean has records far filthier. The tiny hospital up on the hill and fenced in by thick tall wired gates and filled with lush gardens and benches. It might appear friendly at first glance. The fence off-putting, but it is a hospital for the unwell, the mentally unfit. They don’t know that inside patients are being treated for something much worse than any mental illness. The doctors would say that anything that fell under this supposed umbrella fails to compare to what they are actually dealing with. Magic users. Girls and boys who are confined to rooms where they are free to their devices, but outside, in the corridors and in the offices, a faucet that’s been sealed off. The power stops there. It is the professionals job to take up the task of fixing them; showing them that what they hone is not only dangerous, but damming. YC has been here for years. MC is new. They are shoved in the same room, and although MC is adamant on leaving, YC knows there to be no way. Together they must find one. ____ Second Chances: Open Soulmate AU where when you meet your soulmate, all the memories of your past life together come flooding back. What is consider a myth is proven to be real when MC and YC are hit with this in the middle of a party. They are shaken and elated to be together again. The only problem being YC is engaged to be married. ____ Rose Colored Glasses: Open (Gonna need some building/assistance.) A prince who is two often ignored by his parents is absolutely smitten with the world outside his window, but rarely given a chance to explore it. He is the fifth brother of seven siblings. All boys. All hectic in their own way, but absorbent of the attention. MC much less outgoing tends to keep to himself, but quietly envious of his brothers. Of how they enjoy what life has to offer while he is more often than not pushed to the side. It’s when he hears something he shouldn’t have. A conversation that has an extra set of ears leaning in. MC learns about the danger of Mourn, the region outside this kingdom that is forbidden to tread on. He hears there’s been a visitor from the inside. YC a stranger who’s been welcomed into the royal’s home with fabricated hospitality and carefully hidden suspicion. The only one not suspicious is the fifth son. MC, who is eager to speak with this mysterious man. It’s late when they meet, outside and away from the vague prodding. They speak of the differences in their lands. The mundanity of Harlow and the strangeness that is Mourn. It’s nothing compared to the actual thing and only plunges the vastness of MC’s desire to see for himself. The extent of how taboo their mere words are drives him mad with absolute delight. Talk about fantastic creatures and magic. YC entrusts something important to MC. He tells him the true reason for being here. After showing MC the black rash of hives that’s blistered down his forearm, he admits that Mourn is being ravaged by plague. That the location of the cure is hidden away in this castle, written in a book somewhere in the library. MC agrees to help get the map. If only he can follow. The next morning, after the two have vanished, chaos erupts in a single hour. They are being chased by the King’s men, sure this is a ploy and that their son has been captured. Both runaways followed through territory, restriction be damned. Unbeknownst to MC, there is no cure. This illness of his an illusion, a trick of the eye. The location on that map actually leads to something far deadlier and catastrophic. ☆═━┈┈━═☆ [u]Things I like to write:[/u] Romance Fantasy Horror Gore Psychological Supernatural & Paranormal Pairings: (Italicized is what i'd like to write for = no italics, undecided.) [i]Witch [/i]x Witch hunter Prostitute x Cop Detective x Mafia boss Alpha x Alpha Taboo O/B/A Dynamics Sandman x Boogeyman God x [i]Blind seer[/i] Celebrity x Small town/first love boy. French!Soldier x Russian!Spy (Leading up and during the 1812 French invasion of Russia. This does not have to be accurate down to the finest detail.)