As for the people standing alongside the nazis, it's not their fault only the nazis agree on their demands for say, not having jobs outsourced or "insourced." If I have a certain issue I'm trying to get people to solve I'll take help from a man be he D. Duke or Castro. To expand, unite the right implies that the common ground of various groups is to be supported. Proud boys and more moderates are not going to agree a lot but they will push the issues they agree on i.e. immigration, etc. Francisco Franco was a sort of one man uniter of the right. German nazis, theocrats, Carlists, Radical Capitalists, and others were swept aside all into the Falange Hispaniola, a party moderate on most issues except resistance to communism. Also, American/Western panty wetting at the nazis in their own state but acceptance of them in Ukraine baffles me.